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In less than an hour it will be the start of a new month..December!

I personally  am dreading it...

Festive lights twinkling and people on the television and social media all telling us this year we simply must decorate the tree, the house, the street and celebrate as it's been a hard year not going out to the pub etc socialising.... !!

No,! The truly hard times of 2020 were spent caring for our partners, watching them pass away, mothers and fathers telling children their parent isn't coming back... All various  emotions that each of us on here can sadly relate to. 

The pain of Christmas Week for me will be intensified as I face for the first time:  Mark's birthday, followed the next day by our Wedding Anniversary, then Christmas Day...and New Year Eve will be one year exactly since we got told there was a 'possibility' of cancer.  It was hard enough 11 weeks ago when I lost my beloved husband ♡  (just a couple of days before my own birthday).   

Added to house is now up for sale which means showing people around and making small talk.

I'm really not sure how I am going to get through the next few weeks !

  • Morning Pooka 2020 has been a dreadful year for all of us. But you will get through it because the day turns into night them into the next day again. We will put our brave face on and move with the motions of Christmas shopping etc even though we don't want to. This will be my first Christmas without Colin Disappointed relieved and no one else at home.  December 1st and radio 2 is playing christmas songs like they're going out of fashion! I cried at Chris  Rea's Driving Home -7 o'clock in the morning, it was the tune we'd play to whoever was already home first from work whilst driving home Cry I am glad I wasn't at work when I heard it! 

    December is filled with a lot of firsts for you (much like February for me) and you're allowed to dread those dates coming round, we can't stop them can we? 

    Stay safe xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Thank you for your kind words BootsyD 

    I too heard the Radio 2 Christmas songs blasting out this morning.. and found myself  being grateful that I haven't been near a shop for weeks and avoided being subjected to piped Christmas jingles and tinsel.

    Take care x

  • December will be a harder time for me too. It would be our 10th wedding anniversary on the 23rd and the first anniversary of Ric's passing on the 28th.

    I have decided to be positive me and we are going to change some of our traditions this year and make it my children's and my Christmas for the future. I want it to be new happy memories. 

    Of course we won't forget Ric but he loved Christmas, had a great last Christmas and we will remember Christmas with fun and laughter! 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • I have told everyone Christmas is cancelled this year my sister's invited me to go Christmas shopping with them and I couldn't think of anything worse 

    I used to think Christmas was hard work both me and Neil working daft hours him as a milkman and me working in retail i always moaned at him because for the 20 years we were together i was the one that had to pick and buy all the families presents and Neil would just deliver them he was not the best at picking presents . i would give anything to do it again with him a as I though we would get at least one more christmas together 

    I never use to think how hard it was for people that had lost someone this time of year until now 

  • I am on a day off today! I have done little Christmas shopping, not had the enthusiasm but ..... Today, I am meeting my best friend Karen ( who lost her husband only a couple of months before me) and we are going to town to buy new work shoes, have a coffee, if we find somewhere, and shop for Christmas. 

    We are both at the stage of moving forward and have redecorated. We are both planning new Christmas' and are hoping to meet for s few drinks in a bubble ( I will introduce her to pink gin!) And we a going to live again. There are little feelings of guilt but we both know that our husbands would want us happy and carefree again. So we are going to do this! 53 and ready to party!!! JoySlight smile

  • Hi everyone,

    yes December is a very difficult month for us Pariva to people to get through. my husband always said to me that he hadn't liked Christmas until I came along and we were able to do something nice together in the festive season. we loved decorating the house with a lot of fairy lights everywhere, to bake Christmas biscuits and two Get gifts for each other and other people and then to have the Christmas dinner on Christmas Day. The run up to Christmas always seemed so exciting. I think I only got through the last two Christmases without him because I was able to come over and spend Christmas with my family. I can't imagine what it would be like on my own. I think the heartbreak would be too much. This one will be my third Christmas without my husband and for some reason I seem to find it harder this year. The only way I can explain this to me is that perhaps because so much has happened this year I feel that the only place to be able to properly settle and feel safe would be in his arms, I don't know.
    I hope we will all get through it.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Pooka - thank you for stating it as Dec not Christmas - appreciate the month is extra loaded for you and that  is difficult. You have so many painful landmarks = take care .  This month does seem extra loaded. So many additional painful triggers.