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  • 24 subscribers

I lost my beloved husband 10 weeks ago. Is it really just weeks? It feels so long ago that I held him.

I currently have his ashes in a scatter tube in the house as Covid restrictions mean I am unable to take them to the sea and scatter them in honour of the service Mark gave as a Royal Navy Submariner ... 

But, a small part of his ashes will be with me forever in the two jewellery pieces and the glass keepsake I have had made.  For me, it is comforting to be able to feel and see something, even if it is in reality  just a minuscule part of him. 

I wish so much that my husband was here, I think of all the things I would say, the extra hugs I would give him. I struggle to believe he is really gone, he's not coming home EVER.

The little keepsakes  give me some comfort... but it's  my precious memories that are what keep me going.

  • FormerMember

    I am getting a glass paper weight made for each of Neil's children his girls joked years ago saying that that was what they wanted as a keepsake and he liked the idea and I am making some of his ashes into jewellery for me I wanted something to be able to keep close to me 

  • Kate,

    I truly hope that You and Neil's girls get as much comfort from your individual keepsakes as I get from mine. ♡