Bad timed letter

  • 7 replies
  • 25 subscribers


It has been only 3 weeks yesterday that I lost neil it sill seems strange when I think it has not been that long 

I have managed to get most things done closing accounts pensions morgage ect and holding it together in work only to get the biggest set back yesterday, i came home from a good day at work no stupid customers for once to find 2 letter through the door 

The first one was from the mortgage letting me no that neil had been removed from the mortgage not a surprise but hard to see written down it was the second one that upset me the most it was from clatterbridge hospital letting neil know what they have sent to his doctors it was going on about the last appointment he had before he past it was hard reading them going over everything that was wrong with him saying that they predicted 2 months without treatment but they were hopefull that the treatment would work and would give him alot longer 

I could understand if no one let them know that he passed away but I had to call them the day after he died as they sent him an appointment reminder for him to start treatment 

it was a kick in the teeth as he never made it home after that hospita visitl we had to take him to another hospital were he passed away 2 days later 

I still had to go to work today even tough i must of only had about 2 hrs sleep the walk to work was so hard as tears we just falling i lost count of how many times I told myself to hold it together and I can get though one day my work is not a bad place and I no that I could of called in sick but then I would of had to talk to someone and let them no I was upset crying down the phone to people I have to work with was not an option to me 

I just feel that the hospital sending me that letter yes it was addressed to Neil but I still have to open all mail has set me back so much I am going from upset to angry so many times 

Rant over through tears 

Kate xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Kate,

    How awful getting that letter addressed to Neil, given Clatterbridge where aware he’d passed away.  You would of thought their computer systems as smart as they are would of realised this and stopped the letter going out as it was pointless.   Insensitive isn’t the word and worthy of a complaint for the upset.  Separately, my lovely wife Lynn and I had issues with Clatterbridge at the time when her cancer returned this time terminal and inoperable but that’s another story.

    Look after yourself, rant as much as you want please post on here and someone will reply and support you the very best we can.

    Take care

    Peter x

  • Sometimes these letters are already 'in the system' and it's shocking that as soon as they had been informed whoever took the call should have dealt with it straight away. So sorry Kate. It is awful seeing post come telling you your husband's name has been removed from any bills, mortgage, insurance etc I've had to let 2 companies know of Colins passing  8 months later! 

    Do you work full time? If you do maybe consider dropping some hours/days.  I know work can keep us going but need to give yourself some 'me time'

    HuggingHugging=coupe of hugs xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Sorry to read that. :/

    That brings back bad memories. I lived through the same thing right after my wife's passing. Because it happened so quickly and on a Sunday at home, the news didn't spread somehow. And I had emails, phone calls, then letters from every person she was interacting with. "Hi, I'd like to talk to your partner about her new treatment. How is she doing? ..... " I felt so much anger at the time. 3 months later I still find from time to time some random hospital letter that brings back so many painful memories. I haven't sorted out her things, it's all piled up in a corner.

    I guess it shows that part of coping with all that is trying to repress some memories and the feelings attached to lessen the importance of the disease. Whenever it takes too much space, I look for old photos from before the cancer and replace (well not really) the despair with nostalgia.

    take care

  • Hi Kate

    I can understand how upset and angry you feel over the letters. Ten weeks on and I am still trying to sort companies /pensions. Just when you believe you've sorted something you receive a letter that takes you back to square one..

    Firstly, the registrar messed up the death certificate which meant extra hassle getting it amended.

    The Council Tax proved to be a nightmare.. first saying I was dead not Mark even though they had a death certificate, then after my phone call to correct them... I then received a letter stating both Mark AND myself were dead!!  

    I was getting so upset  with the attitude of some  companies but I really lost it when I called his mobile phone provider to say he had died they responded with...

    " Oh right, but before you go can I interest you in an upgrade?" 

    "NO!! What part of f**king dead do you not understand!"

    Hopefully you will get everything sorted soon...

    Other people try to tell you  paperwork and officialdom gives you something to focus on and take your mind off things. Wrong!! It takes up time when you should be allowed to grieve and causes unnecessary worry at a time when you are least able to deal with it.  

  • OMW!!! You've been unlucky with your contacts concernig your Marks passing! I feel for you No mouth That's shocking of the phone company, O2 were fab with me as were all the other places. I hope you get sorted soon x

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pooka

    It was seven Trent  water that wanted me to take insurance when I called to say that neil had passed away and I needed to change the account into my name was not what I needed . most of the bills were in my name so i didn't have to deal with many 

  • Wow, I was really lucky. I didn't get hassles, I got an electric rebate, Tesco mobile reimbursed the month. Sky cancelled the month owed. I was fortunate. But you really don't need hassle xxx