Well what a day

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  • 27 subscribers

Hope every one has a good day,

This was my challenge for the day.

Make a phone call from house phone, no some how i have locked the key pad, how do i unlock it i do not know, yes Tom did, so find the book ,done some reading, now i know how to do it.

Washing  Machine was on then red light appears saying filter blocked, again Tom knew how to do it another book more reading, hey i did it.

Then put back the runners in my clean oven, yes another book  as they have to go a certain way,, like being at school all this reading.

Turned tap on no cold water coming out the taps found out major mains water pipe had burst,

been of all day, so tea was on ration.

I never had a Christmas Tree last year, but my Daughter got me to 3ft ones just pull out branches, lights already on so just had to hang baubles

Just have to put my star on the top last thing to finish them off.

One for each tree  both made from wood and both with a different verse on them

One Christmas Wish

If i could have one Christmas Wish

I know what it would be

 for you to come down from Heaven and spend the day with me.

the other one

I don't need a Angel

On top of my tree i have one in Heaven,

Watching over me.

So Merry Christmas to heaven  above.

Missing you always and sending you love.

So my crazy day turned out inn the end to be a nice day.

Take Care Ellie x

  • Busy day at 'school' for you Ellie! you've learnt loads of stuff today well done xx

    Happy new Christmas trees and special stars for the top Evergreen treeChristmas treeStar2 Heart eyesWine glass Time for glass of something nice xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • I don’t think we ever really understand how much our departed partners did for us until we have to go out and do it for ourselves. I sure somewhere Tom is shaking his head in wonder.  Every day is a school day as they say, 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ellie, I was really touched by your Christmas wishes how lovely.   And well done for mastering them jobs.

    Peter xx

  • Hi Jebel

    Now have a ornament made of wood, saying

    Christmas in Heaven

    What do they do?

    They come down to Earth, to spend it with you.

    So, save them a Seat, Just one empty chair.

    You may not see them, but they will be there.

    Have told her not to get me any more,  though i am really pleased with the ones she has given me, positive thoughts.

    Have a good day


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ellie. I was so touched by your letter and I think you are so brave to face that all in one day. The number of things which have broken in our house in the 9mths since I lost my darling husband, I have lost count but even with one thing a day I usually end up in a crying heap on the floor so I admire you have the strength to sort them all out and you did. Tom would be so so proud of you and glad it turned out nice. 
    I know what we all wish for Christmas and we know we won’t get our wish but I pray we all have as peaceful a Christmas as we can. 
    Shona x

  • Morning all,

    I thought it was just me that was experiencing one catastrophe after another, like I was special or something! 
    Ive had a collapsed drain, a blocked sewer, leaking pipes and overflow and now the boiler has joined in! Strange how it’s all water related, is that significant? 
    Me and my 80 year old dad have done some plumbing and repairs, think we might have a flair for it!

    Ive also got to have a new roof! No wonder I’m having dreams about the house falling down! 
    Pete would be rationalising all this, it’s an old house, these things happen etc and reading others posts, yes they do, but why does it happen all at once?

    Hoping that the water board come today as I’ve got a massive hole in front of the house, the blocked drain, and I’m convinced the postman is going to fall in. He insists on jumping over the warning tape and obstacles ive put up like it’s some sort of trial he has to do! 

    Have a good day everyone xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ellie,

    Just dropped into incurables.  I see you are there Cry 


  • Hi Yes i joined that group before my hubby got his diagnose

  • I did three years  of treatment every three weeks for that amount of time, last one Christmas Eve 2018 and he got his diagnose Dec 20th 2018 wham bam, what a Christmas.

    Like a bolt out of the blue

    Ellie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ellie 73

    Hi Ellie 

    was reading you post you had busy interesting day I know finding book for washing machine try how to put it on clean cycle and clean it out 

    I don’t think I will bother with Xmas tree this year tho 

    I’m glad you are doing well 

    take care 

    martin x