The Second Year

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  • 26 subscribers

Dear All,

Ive learnt that the second year of bereavement can for some be worse than the first year. Im into 15 months since losing my soul mate, my wife Anne, and I've just been hit hard emotionally - right out of the blue!  And its only just subsided. It lasted two days. Most of the time  I was sobbing my heart out and baying like a wolf along with flash backs of our life together. But there was too much guilt involved. The things I should have done differently. The things I shouldn't have said. The things I should have done. I so wanted to be the perfect husband but human nature got in the way. Apparently the reason  the second year can be the worse is that our conscious mind has finally accepted that a loved one has gone and isn't coming back. In other words any unconscious denial we may have harboured in the first year has been desolved and the truth of the situation as it stands  is coming into consciousness. The final hurdle. What I've just been through I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. It was like putting the clock back to the very day I saw my beloved take her last breath. Im not sure now how its left me. Im in a semi numb state of mind which has largely closed down apart from the day to day necessities I need to attend to. Its very confusing.

Geoff x

  • Hi Jeff, in one way I am sorry you had to go through to such difficult days. But on the other hand, it sounds like it was really important for you to go through this and to reverse it all your feelings and The fact that you are feeling a little confused right now sounds to me like you had a lot of release. I don't know if you read my mail here from a couple of weeks ago where grief hits me out of the blue and I was feeling truly horrible. I think we have to go through cycles of this, at least most of us seem to do that. Best wishes, Melony.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hi don't wonder about the second year, I am in the third year of grief and I have fallen in love very deeply again. This is the time that Flashbacks are hitting me most, that I feel endangered by my own memories. So happy on one side and so dramatically worn out on the other side. 

    Any year can trigger your life after your mate has gone, there is no safe moment, this it what I am realising.