Keeping going...... today I am going to....

  • 9 replies
  • 25 subscribers

It seems so easy to fall in a slump. Especially as here we go again.....more isolation. Living alone with no children, mother 25 miles away with dementia and brother in mental health care. Friends, yes but 8 months on my partners death becomes far less significant to them/forgotten. Friendship groups are hard to maintain if we are not allowed to mingle. Plus non of them have lost a partner, some  are nicely cosy in isolation with someone they get on with and love -grrrrrrrr. I am not used to feeling lonely. 

Seems too easy to just go through the motions - work part time (zoombiefied by end of day) - ok for distraction. Then telly, wine, bed. Hmmm. I have the dogs which save me but I need to think about how to motivate myself, especially weekends. 

Today  I am going to.......

1) make plans to see someone outside the house next weekend, both days - to stop me just eating and drinking

2) get out on the motorbike during the week and just ride where the wind takes me

3) clear  and sort the pile of stuff under the stairs - bereavement admin

By writing it down, I have to hold myself to account. 

  • Have you Heavy check markany boxes today NellieJ?  

    I've been home since just after 4pm and done naff-all!!! Not spoken to a soul all night #boredboredbored!! 

    Work has been absolutely crazy this morning, you'd think it was the Saturday before Christmas Santafull of covidiots!!! RoflJoy

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Well done ladies. You have made plans Nellie. I am going to continue to go for drives, really destresses me and making arrangements to see a friend. So no not giving up. It seems like at theoment work won't change!!  Relief. Not thatbiind too much what I do and always happy to learn new things! 

    Bootsy you sent to work and are entitled to a lazy evening. 

    We are doing ok and all deserve a pat on the back 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • FormerMember

    Have you been on your motorbike NellieJ yet?  Sounds fabulous, I’m quite jealous what would I do to go back to my motorbike days.  Nostalgia.

    Back in the 80’s my favourite motorbike I owned was my Yamaha LC350 2 stroke, loved it, miss it, now ancient technology Grinning

    Get out and ride Motorcycle have a great week

  • Hi NellieJ

    i am in awe of you with your motorbike! 
    I did my cbt and then started lessons on a 600cc but fell off and broke my wrist on my 3rd lesson! Very embarrassing and painful Confounded I wanted to pass my test, I’ve passed the theory, as my husband had a vfr which he said would be perfect for me. 
    I feel like I’ve let him down. I don’t whether to start again in the spring, everyone is telling me not to and that I’ve had a lucky escape. 
    Should I get a 125 cc and get some practice first? 

  • Sausagedog1 and Jebel you should both get back on yourMotorcycle ironhorses again - re-live your youth!!! i have only been a passenger on a motorbike once in my life and never again !!! to say I was wooden is an understatement lol!! now if we were to go to the fairground I'd go on any fast ride there Roller coaster xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • An adventurous bunch of ladies! I lovre the spirit!!! 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BootsyD

    Sounds like a great idea BootsyD.  In the meantime can reminisce with old photos.   God I was skinny in them days, and I had hair.  Carefree days.  Well you have more guts than me going on fairground rides well impressed xx

  • Jebel / Sausagedog - is it too late ? I had not ridden for 30 years and two years ago got a Vespa Scooter - my partner had lots of different bikes so talked me out of getting a big gear bike - wanting to keep me safe - irony there. 

    I did a day riding with an instructor at a motorbike school three months after my partner died - just to see if I could get my leg over with my dodgy knees and then test rode a few. And have had sessions with the instructor once I got this bike. It has saved my sanity as riding means you have to be relaxed, focused, and it is mindful in a way. So I would say if at 57 I can do it, can you too ? Life is short as we know, and I have conversations with people about engines and stuff which has been really helpful in isolation times. I also ride out and bikers nod at eachother - 

    Today, 1) am going out again on the bike 2) have arranged to see someone at the weekend who is a young widow from the group Way Up and lives near me 3) have made a friend a cheesecake and will take that over.  

    I was in such a slump over the weekend I started to worry about myself and then realised unless I told someone, no one would know. Its hard to find a point or purpose sometimes. 

    Bootsy - I cant do anything on a funfair apart from eat doughnuts - they all scare the shite out of me or make me feel sick. 

    I came across a word today  Coddiwomple. Means  to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination.

    Got it from a motorbike facebook group which sums up what I do on the bike but also seems fitting for trying to get along with loss. 

  • JoyJoylove to coddiwomple I do Joy  xx 

    Tomorrow is another day