Unforgivable Guilt.

  • 6 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Ive had a few beers tonight and at last found the courage to put into print that which continuously haunts me. When I was a much younger man and in frustration I slapped my Anne across the face and cut her lip. Later in life I committed adultery. Ive never been able to forgive myself for these acts and never will. It haunts me. Thats not the man I am. But I was on those occasions. Yet Anne my beloved Anne did forgive me. For the rest of our 50yr marriage I gave my heart, soul and love to that beautiful woman, and Anne did in return. I loved her from day one till I saw her take her last breath. And I still love her. Anne once said to me these wise words that I've never forgotten. " Its OK to say you're sorry but you have to take responsibility for what you did." I always have and always will. 


  • Hello Geoff - you have written it down and shared it. a 50 year marriage counts for a lot and Anne forgave you for a couple of things which were less important than you are or were.  You have have trusted us on the forum with this, so thank you. Shows that you have done exactly what she said - being sorry and taken responsibility  and I hope that you can get some self forgiveness too. I am sure you are not alone in having 'hauntings' or things that we regret.  best wishes and hope today can feel a little lighter, at least for a moment or two. 

  • Dear Nellie, Thank you so much for your empathic reply. No one can ever judge me harder than I do myself. I'm still in tears at the loss of my soul mate 15 months ago.


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Hi Geoff 

    I will admit I nearly had a affair once Geoff I full a guilt she knew their was something wrong with me I told her laid on her lap and cried my eye out but are marriage got stronger 

    then everything went wrong she got ill we said we would always stay together we are all with you in the dark place called grief  

    don’t give up Geoff she stayed with because she loved you we are all here for you 

    take care 


  • Hi Geoff

    Please forgive yourself as your beautiful Ann did. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes.

    Ric once gave me a black eye. I was furious, he was upset but he was drunk. Not an excuse! He didn't really forgive himself! 

    I never had an affair but I did think about it once in my first marriage. No I never did it but ... I could have. It wasn't because I never loved him but I enjoyed the attention and it is nice for someone to fancy you,

    You are a good man 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Thanks everyone for your understanding replies.

    Yes ALLISON I was drunk when I slapped Anne. Its no excuse I know.

    MARTIN my friend. I didnt have an affair. It was when  our kids were young and I needed female affection but poor Anne was tired and worn out looking after the kids.  I succumbed to temptation from this other woman and of course it led to sex. After seeing her only three times I put a stop to it. WHY?  Because she wasn't my Anne. And I couldn't show any loving emotion. For me it became simply  a carnal act. I learnt my lesson and never strayed again. 

    Love and Light Geoff xx

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • So Geof no reason to still be beating yourself up then. 

    I was always faithful to both husbands and never slept with anyone else. No this does not make me special. Because I did the other day and felt guilty in some ways to Ric's memory bit then again I had a need. It was crap. I wonder why maybe because it wasn't right but it taught me a valuable lesson and at the end of the day we sometimes just need affection and physical contact. That is not wrong  as you say you learnt from it and had many liovng and valuable years with Anne and perhaps you actually appreciated her more. 

    I slapped Ric back, that was not right either and I didn't like myself for that! It was not me.

    Time to remember all the good times and forget the bad! You are not an awful man but a caring loving man who loved his wife dearly.

    Love and hugs Alison xxx