Thursday morning

  • 6 replies
  • 26 subscribers

hi everyone only my 2nd day on here but already has helped me feel like im not going mad and good to know that people feel the same as me and im not on my own.I thought that it was only me with this horrible feeling in my stomach and not sleeping etc, its only been 6wks since my husband passed so all still very raw, he had cancer for 2years but i thought i would of had longer with him,so hard to be here on my own, family has gone back to work now so its quiet , iv got a little part time job but off for now ,but maybe goin back in a few weeks be nice to see people 

  • Welcome to another Thursday and many others!! Work is a good distraction and after the initial antici.....pation (rocky horror quip!!) of facing your fellow workies and friends you will do just fine-swapping 'heads' as and when required!! I was alone in the house once 1 of the lads went back to his place 3 weeks after the 'funeral' and have adapted coming home by shouting through 'Hi Honey, I'm home ' then touch his lovely face through the photo frame Heart 

    keep going Joysue x

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi yea i do the same when i come in the house , its strange but i still look at the chair he used to sit in when i come through the door, itl be nice to back to work i think ,im in a school so iv missed kids, once i get past everyone asking how i am il hope il be ok,and thanks again for replying it means a lot x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Joysue

    I wish I had that to occupy my day. I am disabled and my husband was my carer before he passed away. I miss him so very much every moment of the day and wander around the house waiting for sounds that will never come. It must be lovely to have some break to it all and know that your husband's are proud of you, wherever they are.

  • Know how you fill Olwen

    I am at home on my own, and i hate it, i have kept as busy as i am able to.

    I got diagnosed with C three years before hubby, he was my strength and held me up when i crumbled.

    We have to try and carry on, for them as well as our selves.

    There is always some one here so one is never alone.

    Pleased you have found this group, i have had a lot of support from it aand every one knows how one is feeling.

    Take Care Ellie xx

  • Its awful isnt it ,i try to keep busy and am trying to get in some sort of a routine during the day but the evenings are the worse i think, im trying to be brave as my hubby was so brave throuout everything,,at least we have this group and can chat on here, take care x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Joysue

    Hi , I am new too and my Hubble has been gone about same time . Evenings definitely worse.I miss him so much and living alone lonely. Sending you a hug x