Overwhelming grief & loneliness

  • 2 replies
  • 25 subscribers

I am so lonely since losing my husband, he was my soul mate, best friend & we were two parts of a whole. I am overwhelmed with grief & desperately need to find someone going through the same agony to meet with. I haven’t any family nearby & only a few friends who have husbands & good lives. I would have benefited from face to face bereavement groups but thanks to Covid they aren’t happening. I don’t find online friendships that helpful...I just need a friend....any ideas? 

  • I hear you on the feeling that my friends are all couples. They're nice and helpful I must say but it's weird being suddenly the odd one out. And now all of Wales is going on lockdown for 2 weeks.

    Happy to chat with you Blush

  • I feel more interested in face to face groups too but with the the current situation that's not going to happen!! I have had 2 calls from the hospice counsellor, who to be fair,  was very nice and let me rant on a bit about different things. He picked up that I sounded angry at stuff from our first call but by the end of the second call I had calmed a lot - I just needed to let it all out and I guess it's nothing he hadn't already heard!! We will be your friend on here, don't be afraid to say how you feel, I guarantee someone/all of us have been where you are now. Stay safe x

    Tomorrow is another day