Keeping Busy

  • 6 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Dear all.  Here is my Tuesday.   Day off work today, so had a nice day planned getting some jobs done around the house.  Started okay but then turned pear shaped but Peter outwardly seemed chipper.  Spoke with people I know this morning, as usual I put on my chatty self, but it took effort and energy stringing together a conversation.  Grief sitting heavy on my shoulders.  In fact I felt dead inside.  But you do it to be polite.   This afternoon was spent busy cleaning trying to keep my sadness at bay.  Even walking my dog at my local park couldn’t shake off my despair or sadness.

Sorry for dropping this on you all, but felt only people on here would understand.   

  • Hi

    I have done the keep busy, keep smiling, pretend all is fine and then feel sad! 

    I think you end up with ups and downs for a long while. I am.hoping for a few more ups than downs now! Keep going you are doing great. We are all allowed to feel sad

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • But you did the day, worked your plan and kept on top of it, so in my book you have progressed along the path a few more steps, that's progress..

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • Jebel - you put into words what an effort a day can take - thank you 

  • Hi its my first time on here ,i lost my husband only 6weeks ago seems so lonely and scary at the min, cant sleep very well and have a worried feeling all the time, hope itgets better with time but know exacly how you feel

  • You will feel worried a lot of the time, it's a natural reaction to what you are going through. You'll be facing 'stuff' only you have to handle and cope with that your husband would've taken on with no second thought. You will be able to 'move forward' because day turns into night - night turns into day and you move forward but at your pace. I never thought I'd be into my 29th week without Colin but here we are, the day after his birthday and you will look back having counted the weeks you managed to get through and wonder how you did it. Be kind to yourself Joysue xHeart

    Tomorrow is another day
  • thanks for your kind words it means a lot, i was married 40years its a long time to be with someone so as you can see im struggling, he was diagnosed 2 years ago and had chemo and a op but thought i would of had longer with him