Back again..

  • 14 replies
  • 25 subscribers

I have been in the UK as I no longer can stay in Italy, circumstances beyond my control have led me back to blighty!

So another chapter will begin soon once Italian loose ends are tied up

(Italian loose ends is a type of pasta dish) 

Sadly I see more new faces but some not apparently here ( where are you Lizzy K?)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mick,

    Long time since we saw you on here.

    I have been around but not really been able to respond to anything.

    Like you I find it so sad to see more new faces, it means that cancer doesn't stop it just keeps up this relentless march through peoples lives shattering their dreams. 

    So what's happening to you? How devastating that you have leave the country that you have made your home. When will you return?

    Its such a shame that everyone is spread out and there isn't a MacMillan's bereavement  support group that we could all join togrther.

    Take care and good luck with your move 

    Lizzy xx

  • Hi Lizzy 

    Nice to see you still sounding chipper as can be. Its be odd to be back.

    But to be honest Ive just spent the week with a loved one and am now headed south to tie up with the rest of the family, then after that back here until flying back.

    I never realised how much i missed those I love until we met on tjhe 18th. All I need now is to sort out my UK tax and forge ahead!

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to mccmcc

    It sounds like you are on the mend or at least being practical.

    Hope the tax doesn't cause total chaos  they have an online service if you do get   into difficulties

    The weather will hold for a couple of weeks. Ive been walking a lot and have to add the English countryside appears to be at its best.

    Your loved ones must be so happy to have you in their lives it makes a huge difference.

    Take care and don't get stressed no good for the BP


  • To be honest my loved ones has no idea how much seeing them meant to me. Its so nice to know that special bond remains unbroken across time and the miles. I hadn't seen them for what seemed like forever and yet when we met it was as if the years melted away before my very eyes, we spent very precious time together that I will value forever.

    The UK looks prosperous compared to Italy which was an absolute surprise...

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to mccmcc

    I'm sure that the precious time speng with your loved ones was mutually reciprocated.

    Us bereaved soles tend to forget how valued we are and see it as one sided. I have learnt that this isn't the case and that we are all valued and valuable.

    Have a good rest of your break and pleased let us all know how things go ... life is a journey 

    Lizzy x

  • I think you're right, my stepson is having some domestic trouble and he turned to me first. So before I go see mum and dad. Its a stop over to take care of him 

    Coming back here after so much turmoil recently is like popping into your favourite pub and there are your friends. I confess all the guys here are great but some resonate more with me...

    Maybe it's situation or just a feeling you would be good pals in the cruel real world...

    OK time to head to the Isle of Wight. Wight link here i come... 

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • Welcome back and I agree with Lizzy that new members to this group is a reminder of the ongoing sadness. Hope you get your tin foil and colander through the airport checkout  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to NellieJ

    Hi Nellie,

    How are you doing?

    Have you found any support with Way-up?

    I read your post re the experiences of weekend hopefully there video conference was better. Not sure about anyone else but I can't put a like on a sad post.

    Take care 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Hope your stepson is ok, he's lucky to you in his life not an easy time for him losing Mum and now other troubles.

    I think you could be right people on here interact with each other and could in "real life"  offer up friendship with that level of understanding that fellow bereavers have. Im sure many of us also have underlying issues of our own and the combination of the two things is often too much for everyday "non-bereavers" to comprehend.

    Enjoy the time with your folks, your Mum is probably going to spoil and fuss over you and wonder how you really are 

    Take care and relax for a while it sounds like you have a very busy time coming up 


  • Hi - generally doing ok and find venting here is a godsend. I took the plunge and joined WAY UP - bit of a shock as you put your name on the profile so everyone can see - which was a bit different from the anonymity of here. But I have navigated the site. written to the wrong people and not sure the the etiqutte. But some people in my area have been in touch and I may meet up with one in a socially distanced way in the flesh.  Nice to hear the similarity in stories in WAY UP people. -  and there is a few people in my area  who used to meet up in a pub so I think I will be brave and join in when things restart.   

    On another note - my motorbike should be arriving 30th july and I went for the Motor Guzzi V7 700. So that will be a distraction.