Pain is getting too much for me

  • 5 replies
  • 25 subscribers

One month short of our 19th wedding anniversary, on 14 July 2019 I lost my beautiful wife Rosemary to this dreadful disease. Colon cancer, spread to peritoneum then to lungs. Finding out it was a Braf V600e mutation, we both knew it couldn’t be treated. Although 8 months have gone by, to me it just feels like yesterday when I lost her. I’m surprised I’ve survived this long tbh. But every single day I feel that pain. It hurts so much. I really believe that, without my friends and family around me, I wouldn’t be here right now. I’ve also got myself a dog too. I got him in August. I hated coming home to an empty house. He’s been a lifesaver for me. A good distraction. He’s enabled be to go on some difficult walks that I went on with Rosemary. With tears all the way. But it’s so hard. I’m drinking more. I’m eating a lot of junk. I’m really trying to do my best, but I don’t know how long I can keep this up. Every single day since, I’ve shed a tear. Some days worse then others. Even now, writing this, it’s very hard. I’ve had counselling, but that doesn’t seem to help, it just makes me even more upset. 
Does it get any easier?  I can’t see that somehow. I really love her and miss her so much. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ninjachris

    Every one here knows how you are feeling and we are all coping at different levels.

    Its hard its 5 months today since my hubby passed a week after our wedding anniversary 53 year's a long time

    I have good days and bad i have to keep busy, i fill lost and do not know who i am really was always the two of us

    Glad you got a dog, i was thinking of that last week, just so there is a bit of life in the house, its so quiet, empty, we used to laugh every day and i so miss that.

    I know he would be saying to me you can do this, you have to carry on for our sake and theirs because they where part of our lives, love never dies and they will never be forgotten.

    You do carry on i get threw one day at a time, and i do not know how i do it sometimes, but i do for our children.

    We have to try and make a new life without them in it physically, but they are never far from our hearts.

    Your wife would be saying come one one step forward then another, you have to look after yourself do it for me.

    Will it get easier i really do not know, more bearably may be

    I have more conversations with him now telling him what i have been up to, and i can hear him saying good on you girl, always called me that even after all the years.

    I hope others pop in, you will get a lot of support here you are not alone.

    Take Care Elliexx

    "You Never Walk A Lone"

  • Hi Chris my wife passed in June very quickly within 3days of going in to hospital I talk to her everyday I struggle each day to make it through weekends when I visit her I'm in tears but not as raw as the first few months I don't think it gets better you just learn to live with that vacuum in your life

  • Hi NinjaChris,

    We all feel your pain and sorry you have to go through this. Although it's the hardest thing we'll probably ever experience, look at what you've already done. You were in tune with your needs, got yourself a dog and you're able to go on those walks. It may seem like nothing to you but all these baby steps add up and we, as outsiders, can see the efforts you're making. You, too, have said you're trying your best. That's all we can do. Some of it will get easier little by little, or as I said some time ago in another post, it will change.

    Continue posting when it hurts. Expressing our feelings and knowing there are people who truly understands helps.

    Take care of yourself.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to limbo

    Hi Ninjachris

    I totally understand how you feel sat on my sofa after eating yet again my body weight in crap food because cooking seems pointless as does life, work, the house everything. Every night in bed after my sobbing has finished I give myself a good talking to and promise myself tomorrow is a new day and I will try harder. Not happened yet!

    in the first few weeks I had signs that my darling bob was still with me but these signs have not happened for a while even put a trail of bread outside my patio doors in the hope of attracting the robin that used to visit me. Is that desperate

    How do we get through this because I’m struggling. 7 weeks into this Disappointed


  • Hi there. I hope that knowing you are not alone and that others are thinking of you helps a little. As others have said, keep posting whenever you need to let it out. Like you, I hate coming home to an empty house, we lost Charlie our spaniel  a week before I lost Ken. I hope to get a cat to talk to, instead of just to myself and kens photo.. Take care of yourself, try and keep busy, that lovely dog needs you. Thinking of you, hugs, Pam x

    Love is eternal