
  • 10 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi everyone

Hope everyone is doing ok

Just wanted to know what some of you do at weekends, i do ok most of the time through the week, but come the weekends i struggle.

I clean the house do some washing and then just watch rubbish on the telly, i dont have the motivation to go out anywhere.

Just a thought.

Take care


  • FormerMember

    Hi Mary

    Just made another cup of tea, went shopping this morning, and have just put some washing out.

    I do not like weekends i to struggle seem to do more in the week.

    Last Saturday my son left at 5.10pm and i never see anyone to talk to till Wednesday at 3.30, it drove me crazy.

    Even thought about getting a little dog, just so there is movement inside the house, its so quiet and empty.

    I am fed up talking to my self, so you are not alone.  Its five months tomorrow since my hubby passed, it seems a lot longer.

    Take Care Ellie xx

    "You Never Walk A Lone"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Mary and Ellie,

    I've just joined this group today. I lost my husband on Christmas Eve, we had been together for 52 years.I'm not managing very well, I hate every day , but especially weekends. People keep telling me it gets easier with time, but I can't believe that. Like you I watch TV, used to love reading but can't seem to concentrate now.

    I've not joined an online group like this before , but just wanted to see how other people are feeling.


  • Hello Jane

    I hope you find reading and posting a comfort. This is a good place to feel less alone and surrounded by people who completely understand.

    I'm very lucky to still have both our children living at home so their activities keep me busy. I dread to think how I will fill my days when they move out. I did rescue a dog a year after my husband passed away and she has brought us much joy and gives me a reason to go for a walk everyday.

    I'm glad to be a rugby fan so I can watch today and tomorrows games enthusiastically. 

    • Ruby diamond x
  • Hi Mary every sat i go to the crematorium to see my wife I tidy her little patch of garden by the time I get back it's lunch time after lunch I change sheets tidy rooms then sit and watch TV Sundays I take dogs for a long walk usually go to sons house by the time I get back it's TV time and get things ready for work Monday if I sit still to long I struggle even after 9 months so your not alone 

  • Hi Jane
    Im so sorry you find yourself in this group with us after the loss of your husband. 

    my weekend is similar to others here - I do the washing, walk our dog, popped to shops but could easily stay in & do nothing - hoping once it warms up a bit things will be easier. 

    Although I work part time I definitely find during the week’s easier, think having a routine helps. I’ve got teenagers at home.
    keep  posting & popping in here, you will find a warm welcome & people who really do get it

    big hugs 

    Sarah xx

  • Hi Ellie

    Getting a little dog sounds great, ive thought about that too but im at work full time so i dont think it would be fair on the dog.

    I know what you mean about talking to your self i do it a lot.

    I was married for 35 years i think the hardest thing is not knowing what to do with the rest of my life, its 14 months since my husband passed away and i am doing a lot better now, but life changes for ever doesn't it, i loved weekends after a week at work we loved to go out for a few drinks and socialise with friends all thats gone now, not only you loose your loved one but part of your life dies aswell.

    Take care Mary.

    Until we meet again x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sarah2nd

    Thanks everyone. Just an extra bad day today, maybe tomorrow will be better.

  • Hi Ellie, I used to have a dog, but we had to have him put to sleep a week before my partner died on Christmas eve last year. I miss having something to come home to, but feel the responsibility of a new dog is too much at theoment so I think I shall compromise and get a cat. They are more independent as like you I work. I'm hoping for one that will sit with me so I can talk to it, not just to myself and my late partner x

    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Mary59

    Hi Mary

    I do not work those days are long gone.

    I was married for 53 years and yes the life you knew has now gone.

     I have to say its five months and getting there very slowly, i just feel a lone not lonely, even when the family are here something is not right.he is not at my side.

    Its where do you start to rebuild a life for me age is letting me down, and i have lung cancer,  never rains but it pours.

    By your thread you are still young enough to find out who you are and go forward as that is what your husband would want.

    Hopefully when the warmer weather is here we may look at things differently.

    Take Care Ellie xx

    "You Never Walk A Lone"

  • Hi everyone,

    I lost my husband at Christmas too. I am fortunate that my two children are still at home so there are comings and goings at the weekend. It is harder then. I have a friend who lost her husband suddenly in October and we spend some time together as it is hard for us both.

    I have just been over kill on busy, cleaning and sorting. I have had a tree taken down in the garden so I have that to sort, need to do a bit of replanting. 

    As long as I am busy I am.ok!

    Alison xxx