Hope it's a sgn

  • 4 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Dear All,

Just to let you know that I walked out the house this morning and found a white feather near the front door. Hoping this was a sign as a family members funeral was today. May be they were welcoming  him to the other side. I'm not religious or superstitious but I found a comfort from it. 

I hope despite the hard, traumatic and devastating times you've been through;you can find some peace and comfort from the love you had and memories shared in time xxx

  • Dear WifeOf26years

    Indeed that was a sign. Believe me signs come in many forms. A white feather. Random coins found around the house that shouldn't be there. You experienced a visitation. Bless you.

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    I agree. On the day of my Bobs funeral I asked my eldest son to pop to the florist to pick up my single red rose that I was going to carry. As he walked past my car he did a double take and returned to my car. There on the back bumper of my car was an old penny. Now how did that get there? It hadn’t blown there, couldn’t have dropped out of a pocket so I took it as a sign that Bob was with me on that difficult day. This coin is now safe in my memory box.

    i have had a few signs but nothing in the last couple of weeks and OMG do I need something now as been really struggling this week.

    Sheila x

  • On the day of my hubbys funeral we had requested a certain song ..we got told at last min as we where going into service that they never had it so another song was played .

    As everyone got into there cars to drive for the tea after it ..us included we put on the radio just to have some back ground music and what came on but the song we wanted at his service ...no one could believe it ..as we all arrived for the tea everone one was saying did you hear it ...thought it was so strange .

    also a few hours befor my Dad passed (5weeks befor hubby)  a really big white feather fell at my feet I think it was my gran comeing for my Dad ...found loads in matter of weeks but none for ages now 

  • Hi Ww123

    I do think you are getting signs, how lovely.

    We were sitting talking about my husband, in particular his love of football, myself brother, sister in law, daughter and 2 nieces went by cars to the venue we held my husbands wake at.

    As we were travelling, a football came out of nowhere, across the road right in front of our cars! Also a few nights afterwards when I was seeing our friends out there was a football just sitting on the middle of the road.

    when we got to the wake afterwards, all the lights went out for a few seconds as we arrived.

    Also have a white feather that blew into the garden, it stood upright in the pebbles and remains there even through all the winds we have had of late.

    I have also felt the weight of someone in my bed and at first thought it was the cat, but I had closed the door so there is no way the cat could have came in.

    All these signs give us great comfort and I hope they continue for us, to anyone who hasn’t experienced them do not be disappointed, they will come in time. 

    Can I suggest YouTube Phil Quinn, he explains the other side very well, he was suggested from others on here and I have and he gives a great explanation of all matters.

    much love

    Grief is the flip side of love