My dear Anne and the children gave me their permission. .......

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Dear All

Shortly before my beloved Anne, the love of my life passed over,  she said whilst our children were present. "If you ever find  another woman Geoff it will  be OK with me."  I replied " That will never happen darling because you will always be the  love of my life  forever.  I'm a one woman man."  It's now close to 8 months since I lost my darling and  my view remains steadfastly the same. Yet recently and strangely our children, both in their 40's now and  on two independant occasions,  have both stated that they agreed with their Mum and if I could find happiness with another lady they would be fine with it. They just want me to be happy. Im so proud of their maturity and understanding of human nature whilst both have  shared  my  experiences of a  Spiritual  connection with their Mum since my sweet Anne passed over. All of them undeniable in there manifestation. I simply repeated to them both exactly what I said to their Mum. Both Anne and I have been blessed with two brilliant and loving off spring. 

Love and Light 


  • I totally get where you're coming from. I too have no desire to marry again and have to somehow come to terms with being alone. 

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate