Kick up the Butt Time.

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  • 25 subscribers

I lost my beautiful Tina in December 19, and since then I have really been giving up with everything. I'm not eating properly, drinking maybe a litre of fluids, and certainly not sleeping. I guess this is Normal for grief. 

Today my Stepson is taking me to his Caravan in Skegness for 8 days and I have decided its time to get back on track slightly. Tina would be going Mad at me, so each morning I will be walking along the beach and clearing my head of all the Bad thoughts and then trying to set a goal for each day to reach. I certainly dont want to wipe any memories away, I just want to make a life without Tina, I had 25 Brilliant years with her and now must carry on without her. Its hard to try and think a week ahead but she would want me to be sensible and get real with life. No more moaping around, its happy thoughts and memories from TODAY!

Each and every one of you Wonderful People who have helped me with your advice and input on my Past Posts, Thank You from the Bottom of my Heart. I'm still here though.

God Bless You All 


  • FormerMember

    Hi John.

    What a lovely post indeed. 

    Tina would be proud of you Heart️

    I hope, those few days in Skegness will help you to find the new YOU and live your life thinking of the happy times with Tina with a smile on your face instead of drowning in grief and dispair. 

    Love xx

  • Fantastic John. I have tried to be the same, finding positives and moving forward. I don't think we will ever forget our loved ones but as you say, we have had many happy years and they would not want us to be sad forever. I know Ric wouldn't. 

    I too have a week off which I am going to use to relax and tuck things away into.the corner of my heart. I wil always love him, have some of his things around me but I can't cry all the time and I just AVE things to live for, like my children. A big year for my daughter, GCSES, prom, learning to drive, starting college and Ric will see them in his own way as he wished. My son is going for promotion in a couple of weeks so fingers crossed and I want to get settled property in my job as it has been a struggle since starting with diagnosis and then loss. 

    I am going to start eating healthier, loose the two stone I lost and put back on, Ric was proud of me doing that, I am going to.usey gym membership and try to be more social some times. I have lots of proven friends! I am going to take more time for myself which I am bad at doing and get the old fun loving person back! 

    I have booked a holiday, hopefully Corona virus won't muck it up! 

    I think we are similar in our outlook. I will fight for what was right as I promised Ric regarding his poor care but not let it oberwhelm me. 

    Take care. Have a lovely break

    Alison xxx

  • Andrea, Thank You for such nice words. I am hoping so much for that bit of difference to my life and to be sort of Normal again. I certainly would love to have Half a smile on my face at the moment instead of grief. Its an awful thing to go through, and being a 45 yr old Widower its hard for me to take in mentally.

    God Bless You Andrea


  • Alison, It nice to see you are trying to get sorted like myself. I have had a few rough months and have decided it back to work and onwards. We try as hard as we can to be normal but still have off days, which I'm expecting as it's coming up to Tina's Birthday and our Wedding Anniversary. Would have been 26 years this year. 

    Your Holiday will do you good but dont worry about the Corona Virus, Alcohol kills it apparently, so raise a few glasses to Rick and you will be ok.

    I tried to eat yesterday in the local pub and would have been filled by a childs menu. We will all get through these trials and be okay.

    God Bless and Be Strong.

    John x

  • At the end of the day John, you sink or swim!!! Ric would have expected and known that I don't give up easily! Lol.

    It would have been his birthday today. I am trying not to feel sad and I bought myself a little present to celebrate, a lovers knot ring. I will bake his usual cake!

    I am over eating crap so need to get back healthily whilst the Corona virus may be a worry we don't go until July so hopefully it will be gone by then as it doesn't like heat either. 

    Happy holidays to us both xxx

  • Alison, Thank You. I will certainly drink to that.

    God Bless, Enjoy the Cake, And Happy Heavenly Birthday to Ric