My day has been upset

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Hi all, 

I got up today all positive! Having the tree that has overgrown in my garden taken down. Finally made the decision after years and Ric wanted me to do it. It will give me a much lighter sunny garden and I am going to replace it with a seated arbour and find the deep purple rose we both loved to grow over it. 

Then a get a phone call from the obnoxious coroner's assistant! Ric died suddenly so now there will be an inquest. I knew it was coming and I know they keep implying it was intentional. Ric had severe PTSD as well as stage 4 lung cancer. He drank vast amounts of whisky in binges. He had been drinking but never finished the bottle! A first for Ric! He was not well that day. They tell me had about 70 mg morphine and whisky in his system! I had told them that!!! He had had a bad coughing bout and pain overnight. He had not taken any after 8 am. He didn't always quite get the two didn't mix and now they say his death was due to lung cancer and respiratory depression from alcohol and morphine. I know in my heart of hearts as do all the family that he didn't do this on purpose but it seems they don't believe it. He never left a note or gave me that impression. He had too many things he wanted to do first. I guess the only one who knows for certain is him but he can't tell them!! 

I don't want his name marred by this. But he didn't take the easy way out and would not have been doing the chemo if he wanted to die! I have sorted all legal paperwork with the interim certificate and he had no life insurance so I guess it doesn't matter and no one needs to know what they put on his death certificate and I have laid him to rest and I feel he is at peace but he has really upset my day when I was full of high spirits and getting rid of that tree for him do I can enjoy my garden that he worked hard to improve for me. 

Oh well onwards and upwards I suppose! Xxx

  • Hi there, you and your family know the truth, and that's all that matters. Lock the death certificate away , it's not for anyone to know or ask about. If you can concentrate on the good memories and keep that positivity. I know what I've said isn't a lot of help, but just want to show my support xx

    Love is eternal
  • Thank you. It is helpful and nice for you to say so. You are right my dad said don't open the letter, let him read it first so that it doesn't upset me! And no one needs the death certificate so I will just lock it away. 

    I know he had a drink problem and I don't excuse it but I also know he was strong enough to deal with the cancer and by that stage he admitted his drink problem to me after years of denial and we did know the truth. He may have had too much by accident because it didn't mix with the chemo but that was his coping mechanism. 

    I feel like telling the coroner to get stuffed but he won't believe what I say if I do! Lol. I know it is a legal process. I was starting to feel more in control and better, coming to terms with things but this has reared its head now! They seem to have drawn it out! I won't attend the inquest, I might get into trouble for defending him and loose my temper. It won't change my memories then. At the end of the day when he was sober which was more often than drunk, he was a lovely caring man. They didn't know him. And there opinion us not important. At the end of the day.the one person who knows for sure is not here!!! 


  • Akela you know him better than anyone so try to put this to the side but I know this is easier said .

    My husband too had lung cancer so I realise how difficult the treatment is.

    Well done for getting rid of the tree.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • The treatment was awful and so were the symptoms! It was so undignified. I am thankful that has now gone for him. 

    I do know him best and my daughter came home from school, she is 16 and her first reaction was tell them to bug off mum, we know better! Says it all really I guess. She gave me a hug and both my kids came home to saying the garden looked better and Ric would approve! Although their dad wouldn't!!! He passed too of COPD! 

    My new rule is avoid smokers!! Ric's advice! Lol. 

    I won't go to the inquest as I don't have to, only write a statement. I know it would upset and make me annoyed. So best not to get into trouble. I have just seen a riend who works in the hospice and she told me that one her friends who's husband died suddenly in his sleep with lung cancer had to go to court as they tried to accuse her!!! So best keep quiet as a nurse too I guess! Very scarry! 

    Thank you for your words but I have found some of the people in these jobs have no compassion. I just hope it doesn't happen to them one day!!! Xxx

  • My post is not going to change anything but I just wanted to reiterare, "DON'T GO!" Having to deal with your husband's death is painful enough as it is. This is ridiculous. He had cancer. What more is there to say? My husband had small cell lung cancer. Not only were our husbands dealing with their illness and struggling with their own mortality but they were also trying to have a semblance of  a life with the bloody treatment. That's a lot to ask of an individual. We all have our coping mechanisms. Let them do their inquuest if they must and protect yourself from that unpleasantness, Akela. I know you didn't need me to say this but it is so enraging.

  • Thank you Limbo. It is nice not to be the only one who feels that way. It is so frustrating but then you only understand what you have experienced I suppose. 

    I wish I could tell them to f off but I guess I would be in trouble. I guess I can't say I am relieved for him that it is all over as that makes it look intentional! I will think carefully what to write as I don't feel his good name should be married but at the time he had made peace with everybody and had a good Christmas knowing it was his last and as he felt important to him had found god! 

    I wouldn't wish this on anyone but it would be nice if they were more compassionate. I was getting there slowly and it has set me back. Xxx