Will it get easier and how do i cope?

  • 5 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi this is my first time writing on here, so please bare with me if I ramble on. I met me husband 17 years ago, we had both been married before so, marriage never crossed our minds at the time.

In 2015 I lost my dad and auntie within months of each other, a few months later my son was in a car accident in 2016 and even though we were told he wouldnt survive he did, he has health issues now. My mum was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2017, she was operated on to remove the tumour and part of her bowel. Three months later my husband was diagnosed with terminal bowel cancer which had already spread to his liver. He was given the opportunity to have a course of chemo to hopefully shrink the tumours. During his treatment he asked me to marry him, we got married on 27th july 2018, (my 47th birthday). 11th september 2018 we were given the news the chemo hadn't worked and the tumours had grown and spread further. He passed away 2 months later. 

I really am not coping at the moment even though its 15 months now and find it difficult talking to people face to face, I just smile and say I'm ok, when deep down I just want to scream out. People say I will get over it and young enough to find someone else which makes me so angry as hes the love of my life.

  • You didn't ramble and it wouldn't matter even if you did.

    You've had a lot to cope with so is no surprise that you're struggling.

    I'm not really coping either and have no solutions.

    Just wanted to say you aren't alone.


    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Wildcat

    Thank you wildcat. 

    I just never know which way to turn or what's around the corner.

  • Dear Joey71,

    You are not rambling and, even if you did, that's absolutely fine. This forum is for sharing with those who understand.

    You have had to deal with a lot of loss. And you have had to cope with so many ups and downs as well: the shocking diagnosis of cancer that had already spread to the liver, the hope that the Chemo would work, the constant anxiety that it wouldn't work, the devastating news that it hadnÄt worked, and the wedding - it was so sweet of him to ask you wasn't it? 

    I lost my husband after a 15-year long brave fight with prostate cancer. We had been together for 9 years and had been married for two when we heard that his cancer had spread to his liver and Chemo in the hope that the tumors would shrink was the only thing they could ofer us. Unfortunately, 9 months later Paul had to stop Chemo as we developed the flew and pneumonia. He died six weeks later.

    It was in May of 2018.

    At first I elt numb, then I had a time when I cried a lot and the tiniest little thing could set me off. Today, almost two years after his death, most of my days are okay. Sometimes I can even be happy for moments or hours or even a whole day. But it is not the same happiness and not even the same okayness that I know from the times when we were together. I miss him very much every single day. I feel I have moved forward with my life because I had to and a part of me wanted to as well.

    Weill it get easier? Well, I don't know. I think there are always times when we feel we can't cope and when the feelings of sadness and grief are so strong that they get us really down. And maybe you are in such a situation right now. I guess things will improve for a while and then, out of the blue, we feel bad again.

    Take your time and be patient with yourself. As the Buddhist saying goes and as I teach my meditation students: Let every emotion come and go like the waves of the ocean. Sometimes the sea is rough and sometimes the waves of emotions are only small.

    You will have better days again.

    It pisses me off too when people say, "You are so young. Who knows? Maybe you find a new love soon." They mean well, but what they don't understand, maybe don't want to believe, is that Paul was my soulmate and my best friend and I will never find anyone like him, well, I wouldn't even want to because what Paul and I had was so very special. I think people think that they can encourage us in this way. But it is not really an encouragement for those of us who don't want to find someone new and who don't feel ready to even think that way.

    Mind yourself. And keep sharing here. We are always here to listen.


    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joey,

    i seem to cope with things in a very similar way, I’m 9 months in and just feel alone, and that I know I was lucky enough to have love and give love for 16 wonderful, and colourful years but it’s not enough. He was stolen from us, we didn’t get a chance to get our heads around what was happening before it was all too late. I think that’s the thing with cancer, it steals whoever it wants and there is nothing any of us can do to stop it. I am struggling to heal from where I feel he was torn away. 

    I wish you all the luck in the world finding your way through x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Big hugs to you x