Always with me...and thoughts about the ups and downs of grief

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I've had a very down day today. Feeling my darling's absence so acutely, even though it has been 14 months. I keep thinking it might get better, but then a bad day comes and I feel as I'm back to square one. Grief is like the oceans of the world - covering well over 71% of my conscious thought, sometimes gentle, sometimes brutal, but always there. But, every once in a while, I feel as if my beloved is sending me a message and it brings me such comfort.

On Saturday, a friend came over to move some furniture for me (I am in a wheelchair). I had him move a chest of drawers into the hall. This particular chest was a favourite of my husband's; the shape is very deco, but the veneer is horrible. It's not very big and I could and will easily chalk paint it. I had already decided on graduated blues with a white feather design to signify Chris as my guardian angel. I felt that was the right design to go with.

After my friend left, I looked through the drawers to see how much junk was in there. In the third drawer down, I discovered two white feathers. A message from my angel. I don't doubt it for a moment and it brought me such a sense of closeness and comfort.

But, grief being what it is, I am feeling very low and very sad today. Even thinking of the feathers hasn't helped. But I need to think of the fact that Chris is with me always. Nothing, not even death, can take that love away. I miss the cuddles and kisses, and I miss his physical presence so much. But if I can't hold onto the thought of his being here in his spirit, energy, etc., I don't think I will survive grief. 

Of course, today felt especially sombre. On Remembrance Day I always think of my sweet dad, who served in the South Pacific during WWII. He's been gone 11 years now, and I still miss him so much. 


  • FormerMember

    That is a lovely thread,for me it is only five weeks since my hubby passed. I just fill like my life is over and he would not want me to think like that.

    I am no youngster and we had been together such a long time. I have cancer as well, and go for ct results of Wednesday, he has always been at my side and i will truly miss him, we where both supporting each other but now i am on my own.

    You thread and the white feathers gave me some comfort, and i thank you.

    II can not wait to go to bed of a night and i always say tomorrow is another day and that is how i am trying to get threw this.

    Take Care Ellie xx

    "You Never Walk A Lone" 

  • Just remember, we are made of energy and energy cannot die. That is what I remind myself of day after day. Five weeks is such a short time and I can't imagine losing my husband and dealing with cancer myself. You are a warrior!

    Sending you lots of love and gentle hugs, Ellie.

    Martha xx

    "i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) ..."
    Life must end, but love is eternal.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MarthaGM

    Thank you, your words are a comfort and much appreciated.

    I will keep them close tome, i hope tomorrow is a bit kinder to you.

    Take Care Elliexx

    "You Never Walk A Lone"

  • Martha, I have read your post a couple of times now. I find it very touching and you strike me as being very observant of your grief and the grieving process.

    I hope you are feeling or have been feeling better today after the very low day yesterday.

    I love how you found the feathers in the chest of drawers and what they symbolise for you. It's interesting the feather-thing, isn't it? A couple of weeks ago, there were a couple of feathers in front of my front door - of course me being blind I couldn't see them but my neighbour and friend did and we spoke about the meaning of that - and also when I am out walking with friends it sometimes happens that there are white feathers on the path.

    What I mean when I say you strike me as being very observant or perceptive is that you seem to really acknowledge the different faces of your grief. For example, yesterday was a very low day but then there are others that are better, and yesterday was particularly bad because it was remembrance day.

    I have found the very same: Some days are good, others are not so good, and some days are quite low in fact. But I have to say that the really low days are a lot less frequent now but there can be moments of very low. This morning for example - or maybe it was yesterday - I had a moment when I was here in the house tiding up and I was thinking: What is the purpose of my life now? And: I so much want Paul here with me! But then, only a very short time later, I can smile at something else again.

    Time to go to bed now I think. It is so cold here now.

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Beautiful! MarthaGM, that was a great story, really. I, too, am sure I've received signs … in the clouds. I've seen letters and hearts and, no, I'm not imagining things or going crazy, although grief can send you over the edge. Once I saw I love you  with a heart for the word love. I said "No, can't be, If it's really you, you're going to have to draw a huge heart so there'll be no doubt in my mind." I turned my head a little and what did I see. THREE hearts!

    These little messages are wonderful and they make us smile. Unfortunately, we would much prefer to get the real thing, right? To have them back in person. 

  • To me, understanding my feelings has always been important. After all, we are observant of how our bodies feel when we are unwell, so we should apply the same thing to our psyches. The only way I can see getting along with grief is to try to understand it as best as I can and to accept it and find a way to use it to make myself stronger or, at the very least, more resilient.  I also feel that because Chris and I had such a deep, almost indescribable, connection, I have been able to continue to feel him near me. Sometimes, when I am speaking to his photograph (usually in tears), I still feel a sense of disbelief that he is gone. It is all so unreal. But it is my reality, and there is nothing I can do to change it. So, grief and I have come to an understanding of sorts. I welcome grief, as it is a reflection of my love for my beloved. And sometimes, those tears are accompanied by the biggest smiles as I remember our life together and how truly happy and content we were. He was and always will be what and who completes me. 

    Grief is what comes when we lose someone we loved. The more we loved, the more we grieve. But we have to remember how blessed we were to have had the love in the first place...

    Stay warm - there is snow on the high hills here now and a frost most mornings. 



    "i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) ..."
    Life must end, but love is eternal.

  • Hi limbo! What lovely messages your darling has been sending you. I so believe they are real and we should hold them close and marvel at the way love can transcend life and death! But, yes, of course, I would rather find Chris still alive and holding me close than find the feathers, but, in his absence, these messages mean everything!

    "i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) ..."
    Life must end, but love is eternal.

  • Hi marthagm  I have 2 feathers in my wallet that fell directly in front of me a few months ago even though it was windy I do believe this was a sign that my wife was with me  it is a good feeling but as you say nothing is as good as the real thing  but they help

  • Hi everyone.

    I've not had feathers yet but I've had others signs that my Anne is still close. 

    A while ago I dropped the top to my aftershave bottle in the bedroom where I store it along with body  spray for use after I've   had a shower and where I also  keep my bath robe and clean clothes.  looked everywhere for it but couldn't find where it might have rolled to on the floor. . However a day or two  later I noticed a black object on top of Anne's dressing table in her bedroom where I now sleep. ( We had seperate bedrooms because of Anne's medical requirements before  bed and first thing in the morning.) The first day I saw it  I took no notice u ntill  the next day when my curiosity got the better of me. Low and behold it was my aftershave top!  I've never used Anne's bedroom for my after shower preparations. I've never even taken my aftershave into her room. But there the top was. On her dressing table!  I found a 20p piece propped up right in the middle of the stairs next to a pound coin one day when I walked  up stairs. Another occasion I woke up one morning and there was another 20p piece laying exactly central on the floor in the doorway to her bedroom. Money can never fall out of my smart casual tracksuit trouser  pockets because they are always zipped up ! I've placed these found coins in my Anne's purse as a thank you.  Apparently coins  found in odd places in a home  is not unusual as a way our lost loved ones communicate all is well.   Finally, and usually of an evening when I least expect it, I feel a tingle on my face as if a cobweb has fallen on it and I automatical break out into a smile as I instinctively and some how  know my darling is making a visit. So I talk to her. Tell her how much I love her and thank her for her reassurance she is safe in the spiritual dimension. Free from all the pain and suffering she had during her Earth Walk. 

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi everyone.

    I've not had feathers yet but I've had others signs that my Anne is still close. 

    A while ago I dropped the top to my aftershave bottle in the bedroom where I store it along with body  spray for use after I've   had a shower and where I also  keep my bath robe and clean clothes.  looked everywhere for it but couldn't find where it might have rolled to on the floor. . However a day or two  later I noticed a black object on top of Anne's dressing table in her bedroom where I now sleep. ( We had seperate bedrooms because of Anne's medical requirements before  bed and first thing in the morning.) The first day I saw it  I took no notice u ntill  the next day when my curiosity got the better of me. Low and behold it was my aftershave top!  I've never used Anne's bedroom for my after shower preparations. I've never even taken my aftershave into her room. But there the top was. On her dressing table!  I found a 20p piece propped up right in the middle of the stairs next to a pound coin one day when I walked  up stairs. Another occasion I woke up one morning and there was another 20p piece laying exactly central on the floor in the doorway to her bedroom. Money can never fall out of my smart casual tracksuit trouser  pockets because they are always zipped up ! I've placed these found coins in my Anne's purse as a thank you.  Apparently coins  found in odd places in a home  is not unusual as a way our lost loved ones communicate all is well.   Finally, and usually of an evening when I least expect it, I feel a tingle on my face as if a cobweb has fallen on it and I automatical break out into a smile as I instinctively and some how  know my darling is making a visit. So I talk to her. Tell her how much I love her and thank her for her reassurance she is safe in the spiritual dimension. Free from all the pain and suffering she had during her Earth Walk. 

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.