Going back to work

  • 6 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hello group, I’m going back to work tomorrow after 4 months. Any advice from anyone who has already done this will be very welcome. 

  • Hi take it very steady at first I had meltdowns for the first few weeks so talk to your manager and explain I'm sure they will understand your position it gets easier as time goes on you don't think everyone is looking at you 

  • Just take it easy if you can, I found going back to work a help but everyone is different. I had a place I could be on my own and work if needed and there was quiet room staff could use if needed. Supportive work colleagues/boss helps don’t feel the need to tell everyone. If you don’t want to. Good luck 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to puddle fish

    I have to find a job of work. 

    Starting a job will be the start of moving on and I can't face it. 

    I was self employed so when I gave up work to care for Audrey I had nothing to go back to. 

    I've been on esa for best part of two years now and I am starting to feel guilty. 

    I am so scared of coming home to an empty house after a days work. 

    I feel so useless at times and then when the bad days hit the  pain really hits I realise I can't hold a job down. I can hardly get out if he'd to get a drink. Of water or have a wee. 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Alison

    Just wanted to wish you luck on returning to work tomorrow.

    I came across This article which maybe of interest to you.

    Take it easy, find a quiet spot if you need to be on your own, hopefully your employer will let you settle back into a routine at a pace that suits you.


  • Thank you Ian. That’s helpful. 
    It was good to be back though very tiring. I’m glad I opted to have a phased return. 

    Trying to be like the tree that bends with the wind and rain and thus weathers the storm
  • I'm glad you're return to work was ok and hope it continues to be so I find it helps with the day time but evenings and weekends are a little more trying well done 
