The Real Me Has Gone for Good.

  • 20 replies
  • 27 subscribers

3 months + since I lost my lover, soul mate, best friend and Mum to our two lovely children. Anne and I were joined at the hip for 50yrs of marriage. The reality of who I am now is slowly sinking in. I have magnificent support from three neighbours who visit and I even visit them. These good folk even feed me on occasions. Just been back from having dinner two days running. And our children are the main rocks of my life. Always there when they can make it. I'm truly blessed. I can socialise like my old self used to. Join in laughter as well as serious discussion about anything. Outwardly I'm coping well. Yes I can survive. But today the truth of who the real Geoff is truly came to light. I'm living a shallow existance. Because underneath all this  outward behaviour there's a huge void of absolute nothingness. A place that was once lived,  full of total love and fulfilment.  I now have no interest in anything. I go about dealing with the practical necessities of life and home like an automaton. Even the odd fishing days are merely a habit which gets me out the house for most of the day to stop me vegitating in the house. I'm certainly not feeling sorry for myself. I'm just facing the facts as to what's going on. I would never even consider any partnership with another woman, mind you at 74 that's most unlikely anyway for any number of reasons. I know I drink to much beer but that's the only thing that keeps even a resemblance to some kind of contentment. My meds for clinical depression and anxiety simple keep me 'normal.' what ever that means. I can't start a new and creative life now after being 50yrs with my lady who rarely left my side. She was- and still is - my whole world. I even pray for an early departure from this life. I've made sure Anne's Will was fulfilled to the letter. My Will is fully up to date and I signed Lasting Power of Attorny over to our children. Both for financial and health decisions should I go ga ga. So that's it my friends. I know now nothing will change. The real me has gone for good.

Love and Light 


  • I'm in my 50s but don't think I will ever marry again.  The thought of having a relationship makes me shudder.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • Hi again Rob 

    You express yourself so clearly my friend. Yes Anne and I were able experience close physical contact without the ultimate happening. And yes again it was wonderful. Even magical. True love always finds a way.

    A wise man once taught me  " It's not the content that's important.  Its the process."  For example: -  Who suffers the  most? A person who has lost a child? A person who has lost their whole family?  A person who has lost their wife, husband, spouse or lover after 1yr. all along to 70yrs +. The answer :-  The person who has suffered the most -   IS YOU!   It's all of us.

    Love and Light


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999


    You hit the nail on the head! No point in trying to compare losses, the only important ones are your losses! 

    And to your prior comment, I definitely think age is a factor. I'm almost 60, you're 74. Those 14 years are HUGE! Not only because of the longer time with your spouse before you lost her, but there is a very different perspective on life at 70 something than there is at 60 something or 50 something. 

    Even if we had never lost our spouses I'm willing to bet that you and I would still have different perspectives on life and different priorities.  

    Still, if you ever come to the States want to go fishing, I'd be happy to take you. (Just don't count on catching too many!)


  • Hi Rob. 

    I'm sure we would have different perspectives on life my friend regardless of age. I've known some pretty dumb people of my generation so even age is  just the 'Content.'  I wasn't aware that you were from the USA Rob! I think your positive attitude makes more sense to me now. Us Brits can be a little morose or suspicious- even negative on life. One thing I'm sure of. You and I are going to make it through. 

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Wildcat


    I'm sorry to hear about your husband. It is so hard to have slogged through all of the doctor's visits, chemotherapy treatments, scans, emergency room visits and hospital stays only to arrive at a premature end. In your case, an end that was a surprise in its timing. All I can remember from those events now is the grace and strength with which my wife suffered through them all and the little moments of humor and closeness we were able to squeeze in from time to time. 

    It's been about 19 or 20 months since you lost your husband, for me it's only been a month. I might have a very different view on things 15 or 18 months from now. 

    Losing a spouse is such a personal, individual thing that there is no way to say who is going to react how. I am always hopeful for others that things will improve. They'll most likely never be as good as they were but I hope better than the current state as relayed here. I wish the same for you.

    That doesn't mean I hope you're 'wrong' and find someone. It means I hope you can have the best life possible for you , not as measured against anyone else's yardstick!

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999


    Don't ascribe to much of my attitude to being from the US. I often describe myself as one of the most pessimistic people you'll meet. In explaining this to people I say that rather than debate whether the glass is half full or half empty I'm going to debate whether there is even a glass there at all!

    My mantra for the past dozen years or so has been "Prepare for the worst but hope for the best."

    Despite my pessimistic and dour view I have always wanted the best for others. It has taken me a long time to accept that I can't change other's outlook, all I can do is offer support. That's why I accept it when you and Wildcat say you'll never find another. That is your reality, not mine and who am I to argue? 

    I suspect that I am am relying very heavily on hope right now to help me get through this. That may be why I am optimistic or positive or whatever in my posts. Perhaps it's because only been a month and I'm looking at things through rose colored glasses. A fair response might be "Talk to me in 12 or 18 months and let's see what your view is then."

    Whatever the case, I accept the reality of each individual's circumstances and reaction to their loss. My wish is for the best outcome possible for each  of us, no matter what form that may take.

    Thanks for the discussion, my friend. I'm learning things from you, like remembering to keep an open mind and not to change but support others.

    Fishing pole and fish

  • FormerMember

    Geoff. If anyone has some up my situation it is you. You are a poet. 


  • FormerMember

    Geoff. If anyone has some up my situation it is you. You are a poet. 


  • Hi all,

    I hope you don't mind my going back to the beginning of this discussion but the question of who I am today has constantly been on my mind. There is no honour in this and my husband would scold me if he could, as he did on several occasions, but my identity was so tied up with his or as ours as a couple, that I don't know who I am. I realize how pathetic this must sound but it's true. Gilles was 15 years older than I and it' s true that he shaped my mind, in a way. Of course we didn't always agree but I feel as though he made me into the person I am today. In the first months following his death, looking at his photos was like looking at myself. I don't if anyone can understand what I'm saying. He was such a part of me.

    Today, like some of you, I can't imagine having a romantic relationship with anybody else. It's early days yet but not only do I not see how I can trust or love anyone else but I think I will be very afraid of getting too close to another human being. This one loss is so horrendous that the thought of going through this again is unbearable. I know I'm building a fortress around me and it will be very hard to for anyone to break down the defences I'm putting up. I'm not against having companionship from time to time but I've sealed off the very centre of me so that nothing and no-one can violate my love for my husband. All of this is probably unhealthy but perhaps I still need to come to terms with what happened. I still have a strong sense of injustice and anger mingled with depression.

    There, I probably needed to vent. Thanks for being there. 

  • My life went when my wife died now I just function until it's my turn I have no time for companionship just a shell waiting to be called 
