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  • 11 subscribers

So, what is the take on Coronavirus in this group? I am not suggesting that we would believe it is a judgement from God on humanity, but is it a judgement from nature? Are we now the virus on the planet, at 7 billion and rising? Our inability to live in harmony with nature and our increasing encroachment into the natural world, especially our disregard for other species ? Any intelligent species should live in symbiosis with its host, in our case, the planet. Instead we seem to be more parasitic and uncaring of our effect on our host. So, is this just the inevitable result of our own stupidity and voracity?

If we look at the micro level of just UK society, the greediness and self centred behaviour of so many seems to suggest we learn very little and instead of acting in unity with each other, we can't even do that now when faced with a crisis.

Every civilisation ends, but I think we have forgotten that and this is a wake up call to re-evaluate. Our system rewards and encourages rapacity and greed. All it took to turn it on its head was a scrap of RNA. Do you think we will learn, or will it all go back to business as usual once this current crisis is in the rearview mirror?

 Personally, I doubt we will learn much, and leaders like the ones we have in the world at the moment are not people who seem to have any capacity to change. Just hope that young people see the mess we have made of the world and get as angry and active as they need to, as otherwise I am pessimistic about  our species survival, and that of so many others we share this planet with.

Sorry to be so negative- maybe someone else can offer a different viewpoint.

  • You know what , part of me wishes there was a God because I’d give him/her/whatever a piece of my f*cking mind!

    I have a nagging concern that we might just be a minute speck on a small sphere in an infinite jet black spread of nothingness. 

    I would just rather not have that happy thought shoved down my throat, thank you!

    COVID-19 knows where it can go!

  • Well, the virus is not going to kill everyone, but the pandemic of Mass Hysteria might.  We are in so much trouble now if people don't get a grip.

    The virus is not going anywhere.  Trying to defy Nature is not just impossible, it's futile.  The virus is here to stay and we just need to learn the skills to cope (e.g. hygiene).  Protect the elderly population including also people who have underlying health issues regardless of their age, by wearing protective clothing for example (so we don't put them at risk).   Italian people are very tactile, so their country got hit real hard.  Also, not wearing a mask when there is an infection going around is just incomprehensible.  Apply common sense, despite what rumours there are.

    Virus mutation is nothing new, the evolution has been going on in human history.   In 1918, the flu pandemic killed some 50 million people a much worse disaster as people didn't have as much knowledge then.  HIV, SARS, MERS ... the list is endless and it will go on regardless.  So are we going to shut down every time there is a new strain ?!

    The seasonal flu has killed even more people but the deaths don't get reported.  Every 40 seconds someone somewhere commits suicide and don't forget the statistics of heart diseases.  Please, the media should also report deaths from other diseases to put things into perspectives.

    I am not saying that the infection is not serious, of course it is.  However, is that a reason for hoarding food and toilet rolls ? Is that a reason for tanking the economy??  How does that help us ???

    They say we should stay at home because the virus is dangerous.  Well, crossing the road or driving on the road is also terribly dangerous, so why didn't we all stay at home then?  Of course you don't, life has to go on.  We are always evaluating risks in life in order to function.  It is an ongoing process.

    I understand that the Governments have to appear to be doing something, but they should reason with the media and do something more constructive.  To shut everything down is just not going to work.  A hot summer stands a much better chance.

    Our hope now is for warmer weather and for the media to change their ways, selling some stories but destroying the economy is no good to anyone.

    Stay safe.

  • "a minute speck on a small sphere in an infinite jet black spread of nothingness. "  Well said Greg..  Yes you tell Him what's on your mind :-)

  • Hi SuperHealer,

    I just received a text saying I am extremely vulnerable to serious complications if I get the virus and have been instructed to stay indoors and stay at least 2 meters away from my wife and kids for the next 12 weeks. I am not even allowed to go in the garden. Of course it is only guidance, but I have to think about my wife and kids. If I was seen to flout the rules and then die, what message does that give them? That I couldn’t be bothered to fight for them? 

    Re: letting things run their course, I would be a hypocrite if I agreed to that. Viral meningitis and septicemia as a child, cancer of the blood at 35, stem cell transplant from brother age 36, didn’t kill myself at 37. I have spent most of my life fighting death, I am a virus myself after all and have a will to survive. So this Coronavirus thing is a threat and it is going to be war. Also, my fellow humans are my greatest enemy so they better follow the rules as well otherwise I’ll be fighting them too!

  • I should edit my post and include the vulnerable as well as I only included protecting the elderly population.  I shall try edit it.

  • Don’t worry SuperHealer, I am kind of used to it. I got a cancer at 35 for which they average age of onset is 70. Every time I go to the hospital, I am looked on fondly as the young chap. It’s an easy mistake to make - I wish the government would change the use of the word “underlying health conditions” when describing who has died. It gives the impression that those copping it are either really old or really sick, which is sadly not the case.

  • Yes indeed.  Thanks Greg for pointing that out. 

    It might also be helpful to get more practical advice on how to protect people who are in need of protection.  Visitors must wear masks (if they are in the same room e.g.)

  • BTW, my original post was not about doing nothing to protect the vulnerable groups, in fact the opposite.  We should focus on that by exploring more effective strategies.  While "physical distancing" is good "social distancing" is NOT, shutting everything down is not... because it's unsustainable considering this strain is unlikely to eliminate.  If we all go down, no money and no-one will be left to care for others.

    I myself might not have all the answers, but everyone should start contributing what can be done to help the authorities to cope, i.e. don't just expect the politicians to have all the answers because ... they don't.  The ideas I can think of at the moments are (people should constructively debate or add more to the list):

    *  Whenever we have to see someone vulnerable (not just the medical professionals), we must wear masks or protective clothing so as not to risk passing on our microbes.  Keep a physical distance.

    *  Whenever the media are reporting any numbers, they MUST also report the other numbers from e.g. suicide, heart diseases, seasonal flu alongside (to keep things in perspective.  Report only facts, no scaremongering).  Don't forget even the journalists wouldn't know how many people had got it and recovered without entering into their statistics (the actual fatality rate would have been very different).  Remind people there are other risks in life also.

    *  At the shop entrances (including supermarkets), temperature should be checked before entering (not perfect but it's an indicator).  There should be masks by the entrance and possible sanitiser gel (to avoid spreading) before entering the premises.  It's important at the checkouts as we don't want the staff to get infected.

    *  Hoarding unreasonable amount of items needs to be seriously dealt with.  Educate people there is no need to hoard

    *  The medical professionals should find out more on those who have recovered from this strain e.g. are they now immune and to see if it's possible to get a vaccine from their blood.  Learn more from their recoveries

    *  Learn from places that have managed well (e.g. Hong Kong was so densely populated yet less than 5 deaths, and also from places that have been hit so hard (e.g. Italy, to see if they had previously rejected the mask idea e.g.) 

    *  A moratorium for 6 months Council tax/ Gas/ electricity/ water bills or whatever that might help, not just for people who are on benefits.  I think help out with the bills are better than promising unrealistic wages as it's clearly unsustainable.

    * Make test kits widely available.  Improve on the testing procedure

    * Make use of the UV ray help with detecting microbes, also which ray could help rid of the trace

    * People who are artistic can find creative ways to cheer others up during the darkest hours


    I'm sure others have even better ideas (when they don't feel consumed by an overwhelming feeling of helplessness), please everyone suggest something constructive and then present the good ideas to the Governments ?

  • Hi SuperHealer,

    For me, this is all about buying time. As an “extremely vulnerable” person, I am resigned to the fact that I’ll probably get the virus at some point and when I do, it will probably be bad. But it’s all about when I get the virus. Ideally we want to spread it so that the number of cases is spread over the next 12-18 months so that the NHS does not get overloaded and can’t cope with anything else never mind COVID-19. The economy is going to suffer, people won’t have much money, but for me the economy is secondary to saving people’s lives.

    So Whenever someone asks what is the best thing I can do to support you, my answer is always STAY AT HOME! I get that it is emotionally and financially challenging and some people will need support, but for the vast majority of the people who are just not getting the message, the best way you can help others is to stop yourself getting the virus. All your ideas are good ideas but I’ll leave that to the specialist scientists to work out. For the vast majority of “normal” people, I just want them not to get the virus, so please keep yourselves away from other people. That is the best thing you can do to support me as an extremely vulnerable person.


  • Hi Greg, "buying more time" is a valid point.  Thanks.  To stay at home as best we can is also a good suggestion.

    Though the economy is not the only issue.  The mass hysteria has caused unnecessary lives lost too e.g. a man has died taken some "chloroquine phosphate" and his wife is in a critical condition; 23 prisoners got killed worrying about the coronavirus situation; some people have been worried sick;  ... I'm sure there are other examples too.

    Again, I think physical distancing is good not agruing about that.  Just that I think people need more practical ideas, to run alongside physical distancing.