Vitamin supplements post treatment

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  • 37 subscribers

I finished Chemo and radiotherapy five months ago.During treatment I was advised not to have prebiotic foods or over the counter supplements.Thankfully I have been given the all clear.Could I take a collagen supplement to help with hair and bone issues and are probiotics OK. I am concerned that I have read online that collagen feeds cancer. Also I have stiff joints which may be due to the pelvic radiotherapy, can I take a vitamin supplement to help with this. I do try to follow a healthy diet. Thank you.

  • Hi ,


    Welcome to our online community and thanks for posting your question. My name is Amy and I am one of the Cancer Information Nurse Specialists on the Macmillan Support Line.


    It’s wonderful to hear you have been given the all-clear after completing treatment. For many this can bring a range of emotions, and not always the reactions you would expect. We have a blog and information about life after cancer treatment you may find useful to look through.


    It would be worth getting back in touch with your cancer team about the stiffness you are experiencing and questions you have about taking collagen, supplements and pre/probiotics. The guidance about when and if these can start again really does depend on your individual diagnosis and consultants’ guidance.


    You don’t need to wait until your next follow-up. You can contact your CNS or consultant, via their secretary, especially to have the pelvic stiffness reviewed. Pelvic radiotherapy can sometimes cause bone changes. And some may benefit from a referral to physiotherapy, to help assess and manage the pain and stiffness.


    Penny Brohn is a great resource with a focus on wellbeing and living well. They offer online sessions like Nutrition Cafe and Nutrition Know How. You can explore all online sessions here.


    Look Good Feel Better also help you to cope with the physical effects of cancer treatment, like hair and nail changes.


    I hope this helps. We often find we can help more by exploring these questions over the phone. If this is something you think would help, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch via our support line.


    Best wishes, 

    Amy C, Cancer Information Nurse Specialist 


    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email

    Ref: AC/VG