Access to full CT scan results prior to multidisciplinary meeting

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  • 38 subscribers

Hi. My mum has a sigmoid tumour diagnosed after initial colon CT, full CT and sigmoidoscopy. We have been informed that the a multidisciplinary meeting is being arranged to assess paths moving forward.

Lovely mum also has Alzheimer’s and every appointment, test and procedure has had to be handled with care, much support and love to even get through a door. She has limited/sporadic understanding of the outcomes but is not unaware. 

Can we ask (me with her full consent & also LPA) to have the more extensive scope CT scan results uploaded to NHS or sent? We may have possibly three weeks until we see a consultant, and although she may be incredibly anxious or not at all day by day, it would be so helpful for my brother and I to have some understanding of the findings prior to meeting with the consultant with mum present so we can be the strongest we can be in supporting her understanding in the gentlest way possible given her dementia.

so basically … can we ask that a particular CT report be available and what is the best route if so.

thank you to all who have been on this journey, going on this journey or are supporting others. 

  • Hi Florence254

    My name is Gemma and I am one of the Cancer Information Nurse Specialists on the Macmillan Support Line.

    I am so sorry to read about your Mum’s situation with her diagnosis of Colon cancer and the uncertainty and stress it is causing her leading up to the important appointment with the consultant.

    I can understand why you want to do everything you can to make this easier for her and to help her reflect on what is being offered.

    It is incredibly helpful that you have Power of Attorney. It will reassure your Mum that someone she trusts will make decisions about her health and welfare if she cannot.

    It would be unusual to give the results of scans before the Multi-Disciplinary Team Meeting as they look at national treatment guidelines or the latest evidence for the type of cancer your Mum has. They will also discuss your Mum's other illnesses to work out what best options are available for her.

    Speak to your mum's consultant or clinical nurse specialist to arrange a call after this meeting, they will be able to give you the results of investigations and advise you on what they feel is the best way forward so you can support your Mum.

    Having the results sent to you without explanation can be difficult as they can be misunderstood or interpreted differently.

    Speaking to them after the team discussion means you have the full picture of what the appointment will look like to be prepared.

    Supporting someone you love with Alzheimer's and cancer is stressful. Please also try and look after yourselves.

    Caring for someone with cancer can be a difficult time. Get support to help you look after yourself, and to manage your feelings and relationships.

    Our Online Forums can also be informative, People find that hearing other's experiences with similar situations can be helpful.

    Also please ring us on 0800 808 0000, there are Macmillan Nurses available to assist you 8-8 every day, it might be easier to talk to someone on the phone who can help you straight away.

    Please do contact us again if you need anything further.

    Best wishes


    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist  

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email.  

    Ref  GeS/RH