AML Leukaemia

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  • 35 subscribers


What is the prognosis for untreated AML? My friend was diagnosed 6 weeks ago, recovered from sepsis but can't have chemo due to other health issues. Please advise thank you.

  • Hi ITFC2024,

    Thanks for getting in touch. My name is Jo and I’m one of the Cancer Information Nurses on the Macmillan Support Line.

    It is quite understandable that you would like to know what the prognosis is for your friend who has been diagnosed with AML but can’t have chemo due to other health issues. This sounds like a difficult time for you both.

    I wonder whether your friend has spoken to the haematology team about their prognosis. If not, then it would be advisable to do so. They are in the best place to discuss this as they are familiar with your friend’s diagnosis and have access to their medical records. This includes details of other health issues which might impact on treatment options.

    It can be challenging supporting someone  with cancer, so it’s important that you don’t feel alone in dealing with this. There are a number of ways that we here at Macmillan can offer help and support to both you and your friend so please do get back in touch.

    There is further information and support available through our AML forum and the charities Leukaemia Care and Blood Cancer UK.

    If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get back in touch. You can speak with the Macmillan Support Line on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or email us.

    I hope this information is helpful.

    Best wishes,


    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist

    Ref: JD/PW