Kidney cancer.

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  • 35 subscribers


I had may left kidney removed due to cancer in Dec 23. Is it normal to have a swollen ankle.

Also l have been told that all is OK they took out some lymph nodes and they did not have any cancer but l have looked on line and l read that life expectancy after kidney cancer is only 5 years is this correct even though l am told they got it all and there was no spread .May be l just read it wrongly.

Just a bit worried. 


  • Hello Bad black cat 

    Thank you for posting here on the online Community here at Macmillan. I hope you find it a helpful place to access support and ask questions. My name is Joanne and I am one of the information nurses. 

     I’m sorry to hear that have read some information about kidney cancer survival rates that has worried you but I firstly wanted to prioritise your question about your ankle swelling.  

    Here at Macmillan, we are independent from the NHS and don’t have access to medical records.  

    We are unable to diagnose what may be causing the swelling but it is important that you speak to contact somebody today for assessment of this symptom and to rule out any significant issues such as a deep vein thrombosis or oedema which may be related to your kidney function after your surgery.  

    You should contact your GP urgently today, or  NHS 111. 

    If you are at all worried that your symptoms are getting worse, please do call 999 for an ambulance or attend A&E. 

    Once you have had had your ankle swelling assessed today, you may want to have a look at this information about survival for kidney cancer. It’s important to be able to interpret this information accurately and your hospital team will be able to discuss your worries with you based on your individual circumstances. 

    It’s reassuring that your cancer was diagnosed at an early stage and that there was no evidence of any spread. It may also be useful for you to call the nurses on our support line for a chat. When you have lots of things that are worrying you, it can be useful to talk things through and to give you more understanding of what these figures can mean. 

    Please do get back in touch with us for any further advice and support. 

    Kind regards 


    Joanne H - Cancer Information Nurse Specialist

    Remember you can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 00 00 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or by email.