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I have been on tamoxifen for the last 2 years after breast cancer.  I have just found out on Friday that I can cancer in the womb and cervix.  Now waiting for hospital appointments.
I know that a rare side effect of Tamoxifen can cause Womb Cancer, I wonder if I should still be taking them.  My head says keep taking until you have been told otherwise. 

  • Hello Nana Lou

    Welcome to the Online Community here at Macmillan. I hope you find it a helpful place to access support and ask questions. My name is Joanne and I am one of the information nurses.

    I’m sorry to hear that you have been given another cancer diagnosis. I hope your hospital appointments are arranged as quickly as possible for you.

    You might find it useful to have a look at some of our online forums, including our Breast cancer forum and Womb cancer forum

    We know that there are a number of factors which can affect your risk of womb cancer.

    As you say Nana Lou, there is some evidence that on rare occasions Tamoxifen may cause womb cancer. Usually, the benefits of tamoxifen outweigh the risks of womb cancer, and this is something that is considered by your team when prescribing this type of treatment.

    Here at Macmillan, we are independent from the NHS and don’t have access to medical records so we wouldn’t be able to advise you whether or not to continue taking your medication whilst you are waiting for your hospital appointment.

    You should seek advice from your GP or practice pharmacist if there is one available.

    If you are still under the care of the Breast Care team, they will also be able to advise, you based on your individual circumstances.

    I hope this advice is useful. Please do contact us again for further advice and support.

    Wishing you well for your appointments

    Kind regards

    Joanne H - Cancer Information Nurse Specialist

    Remember you can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 00 00 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or by email.