Lung cancer

  • 3 replies
  • 13 subscribers

I was told yesterday that I had lung cancer on my left lung it's all I can think about I'm not ready to tell anyone and I was doing ok with the news yesterday but today all I can do is cry in this normal 

  • Hi Poppylucy,

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis, this understandably must be a very worrying time for you right now especially as the diagnosis is so new. People can only react in their own personal way when they receive a cancer diagnosis and it's ok to feel how you do right now and to cry when you need to. It's also ok to not tell anyone yet until you are ready.

    We do have some booklets that may be able to help understand your diagnosis more if you would like to and to help process what's happening. Also how to have those conversations with family, friends and loved ones when you feel the time is right to tell them. I have included some links to the digital versions of them below for you -

    The first is Understanding lung cancer

    The second is Talking about cancer

    Lastly How are you feeling? The emotional effects of cancer

    Our Nurses are also here to speak to on our support line too if you would ever like to discuss your diagnosis or what next steps may look like. You can reach them on 0808 808 0000 and choose option 1 and then 3 on the phone system.

    We're also here on the Information and support team to talk through how you're feeling as well, Poppylucy. We can be reached on the same number but by choosing option 1 and then option 1 again. Both teams are open every day between 8am and 8pm.

    You can also reach out to your Oncology team or GP surgery and request a referral to the local Macmillan nurse teams, if they have not already done so. This will put you in direct contact with a local Macmillan nurse in your area for further emotional support and advice and guidance going forwards.

    Other support services such as the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation may also be able to help and provide support when you need it too, as well as Asthma & Lung UKBoth servics also have helplines as well. 

    Please do reach out to us if you need to talk. We're always here to listen and help point you in the direction of any other support we think may be able to help.

    Take care,

    Rebecca - Macmillan
    Cancer Information and Support Adviser

    Remember you can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 00 00 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or by email.

  • Thank you so much for your reply I have no idea what to expect or what my next actions are waiting for a team to put a plan in place but its very scary and doctor Google is not helping 


  • Hi ,

    Just to add to the great information and advice that Rebecca has already shared: I can see you're already a member of the Lung cancer forum, but did you know we also have an Emotional support forum?

    Dr Google might not always be a very helpful voice to hear, but talking about your feelings  with people who understand can be a huge comfort. If you feel anxious or scared, the good folks over at the Emotional support forum will be glad to share their words of comfort and advice.

    I know things might seem daunting now, but just know that Macmillan and the Online Community are here for you, and you're not going to face things alone.

    All the best,
    Macmillan Online Community Team