Cancer Blogs

Blogging can be a great way to journal your experiences and share with others. Why not create your own cancer journey blog, or have a read of other blogs created by our members?

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  • I feel my mums pain

    Non Hodgkins, Stage 2 aggressive lymphoma. Treatment so far Rchop and now Reshap but now suffering from sickness and is tired all the time
  • I feel my mums pain

    Non Hodgkins, Stage 2 aggressive lymphoma. Treatment so far Rchop and now Reshap but now suffering from sickness and is tired all the time
  • Colon Cancer

    I had a laparoscopic low anterior resection & defunctioning loop ileostomy surgery on 30/04/18. Today I had my staging results T3N2M0 & was told the surgery had removed all of the cancer but need Chemo & Radiotherapy. Any hints/advice?
  • Anyone have a normal renal ultrasound prior to diagnosis?

    Last Friday I peed blood and blood clots for 6 hrs, thought gosh did I start period early? UA showed 3+ protein; 4+ blood. Urine cleared up, period started Tuesday. Renal ultrasound came back normal, no stones. I’ve had blood in urine 4x in 7 months
  • Anyone have a normal renal ultrasound prior to diagnosis?

    Last Friday I peed blood and blood clots for 6 hrs, thought gosh did I start period early? UA showed 3+ protein; 4+ blood. Urine cleared up, period started Tuesday. Renal ultrasound came back normal, no stones. I’ve had blood in urine 4x in 7 months
  • Renal ultrasound

    Anyone been diagnosed with bladder cancer after a “normal” ultrasound?
  • Sledgehammer

    The cancer journey
  • Sledgehammer

    The cancer journey
  • Frightened

    Partner has stage 4 glioblastoma and I don't know what to expect.
  • Coping with terminal illness

    Hi my husband has been given Trifluridine tipiracil has anyone been on this medication and what were the results. Puffball