Two drains down one to go.

Less than one minute read time.

Had my op on the 1st came home on the 3rd am now in bed after doing too much yesterday cos I felt so "sharp" in the morning when I got up. My remaining drain has to be less than 50 mls in 24hrs before it can come out.  Is there any one else out there similar to me. I had to stand my ground to get my immediate reconstruction at the risk of needing radiotherapy and further surgery (L nodal clearance) if the left side "calcifications" come back positive.

Even this major operation wasn't as shocking as the first afternoon in the breast clinic when they took 6 biopsies and then after sitting in a waiting room led me in to a room where they told me I had cancer after holding my hand looking earnestly into my eyes saying "you've had a really bad afternoon......." words that I will never forget.

Now I am waiting for the 16th when I will be told how bad it is really. 

 I still don't think I actually really believe this is happening to me. I am living someone else's life!

  • FormerMember
    Hello. I am 48 and had a mastectomy on right breast and lymph nodes removed on 13 October. Had reconstruction at same time. I agree, it still feels as though I am writing about someone else. The one thing that has kept me positive and brings me back down to earth is my husband and 20 year old son and 16 year old daughter. I have been home for 2 days now and trying to focus on eating healthily and resting is all I can manage. I am so pleased to be at home 2 drains and all! I know it's so easy to say, but focus on whatever you can that makes you happy if only for a few minutes - doing a crossword, watching a TV programme with your family, texting a friend. And please Leave the housework to others. Wish you all the best with your results.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Shirley, Won't say welcome to the club, as none of us really wanted to be here :-(

    Do hop over the fence and come and join us in the Breast Group. There's loads of us, so there is always someone at exactly the same stage of treatment to share the roller coaster ride with. Just click the green text link and select 'Join This Group' if you wish to post an intro just click on 'new discussion'.

    You no doubt have a head full of questions, so fire away, we're all here to help.

    Take care, George & Jackie (breast group)