Nearly at The End of My Babes Journey!!

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I have just been told by the doctor that my lovely husband is no longer terminally ill but is now dying!This year has flown past and although we all knew what the outcome would be I am still in shock at what the doctor said.

Tom (My Babes )is at peace with himself  and is ready for the last bit as he calls it! and he told my brother that I need to accept it too, I do but how do you say good bye to the man I have adored for the last 38 years!! it's too soon!!!The saddest thing is that he will not see his first grandchild due in December.

The good thing is that he will pass away at home with us all around him wishing him a safe passage and free from suffering!!

Bye  for now


  • FormerMember

    My nana accepted her impending death in a way that amazed us all...  she decided to be at home, decided to have her family close by and did all the little things that were important to her, hair done, nails made beautiful and her best lingerie on every day... she ate her favourite foods and at any time of day or night...  much to our amusement! Homemade strawberry jam at 4am eaten off a teaspoon...  her jam her jam making...

    I don't know how well your lovely Tom is to do this sort of thing... I do know what my nana said to me was that I needed to look after her girls, my mum and my auntie as she felt they would find her passing hardest... this is what your Tom is doing by speaking to your brother...  making sure that when he leaves in body he has his network in place to look after you... he will always look after you as this is what I feel even now about my nana, she is never far away and when I need her advice somehow I get it...  [she was my most treasured role model in life]

    Your grandchild will be known to your Tom, he can know it now and then when the baby is born he will know it from a distance...

    I don't know if any of this helps... I remember the strongest thing my nana ever did was to say goodbye...  she was always the life and soul of any party and her goodbye included telling us to go and open her drinks cabinet and use the best glasses... [ a family joke...  we always had to let her open the cabinet and she only had best glasses out for guests not family]

    I wish you and Tom all the best in these coming weeks jules x

  • FormerMember

    i`m so sorry, i understand from your husbands side, i was told i had 3 to 4 months to live in march 2008, doctors can only give you an educated guess, so please keep positive, i am quite certain if i had given up when they told me i would already be dead, but i am a stubborn bitch and refuse to go... but what a 2 years i have had, seen my daughter married, then pregnant and now have a wonderfull grandson..... i didnt think i would be alive to see any of this, and neither did my doctors, i am currently going through another lot of chemo, but if it keeps me going then its worth it.....i

    i hope he is around for his first grandchild, because that alone can keep you going, dont get me wrong, i have put my affairs in order, planned my funeral, accepted that im dying, but every morning i wake up i tell myself....NOT TODAY.... (i have been married for 31 yrs in july) its hard to know your hurting your loved ones, and it would make it better for him to know you accept things, but i know... like you.... my husband is the one being left behind, i dont know how he will cope, and your hubby is probably thinking the same,  and is more worried about you than himself

    how do you say goodbye?

    ive told mine, when the time comes.... to tell me its ok to go, and that they love me, simple but powerfull

    good luck, my heart breaks for you

    liz xx

  • FormerMember

    Brain cancer is a cruel master Christine, I am glad Tom is at peace with what lies ahead but I understand you completely.  Its hard to let go, ask anyone on here who has been recently bereaved.  You will make Tom proud of that I have no doubt.  You have my email address and I will text you later so you have my number..........I am here for you mate! (cold comfort I know).

    Much love & strength

    Debs xx

  • My mother was 'ready to go', as was my sister and my mother-in-law. It seems that those who are ill come to a point where they think 'enough is enough - time to leave'. Small comfort to you, I know, but at least you can face his death knowing all he wants is peace.

    I wish you the strength to deal with what is to come.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine,

    My deepest Sympathy goes out to you and your loving Husband Tom.

    May the end be painless and peaceful. Keep up your strength and understanding for what lies  ahead of you both.

    Take care and be safe Love Sarsfield.xx