Nearly at The End of My Babes Journey!!

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I have just been told by the doctor that my lovely husband is no longer terminally ill but is now dying!This year has flown past and although we all knew what the outcome would be I am still in shock at what the doctor said.

Tom (My Babes )is at peace with himself  and is ready for the last bit as he calls it! and he told my brother that I need to accept it too, I do but how do you say good bye to the man I have adored for the last 38 years!! it's too soon!!!The saddest thing is that he will not see his first grandchild due in December.

The good thing is that he will pass away at home with us all around him wishing him a safe passage and free from suffering!!

Bye  for now


  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much all of you for your kind thoughts and comments about my Tom and I have recieved your text Debs, Thank you I will contact you soon.I take a lot of comfort from you all! and I send all my love to everyone of you on your individual journey's and I wish you and yours peace.

    Love and positive thoughts

    Christine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Hi, I am sorry to hear your news. All I can say to you is that I urge you to make the most of every precious moment. enjoy the good days and if there are not so good days then just try to enjoy each other's company. Sit together and just be.

    It is hard on both sides. I regret that I used to stop Ray talking about dying because I was trying so hard to keep him positive. I now feel that I did him a disservice because I was the one he relied on to be his 'rock'.

    Take care Christine and remember to look after yourself too.

    Love and angel hugs x x x Patricia x x x