
1 minute read time.

Today my mum went into the hospice for a short stay (week to 10 days the doctors said).  She hasn't eaten or drank much for a week and is therefore very weak.  She can't stand on her feet at the moment, such is her weakness.  She is staying there so she can get treatment and so that hopefully we can get her stronger and home again.

The hospice is a lovely place and she has her own private room.  But it was heartbreaking to leave her there.  The house feels empty without her and I had the horrible thought that I will eventually have to get used to it...  But, we will cross that bridge when we come to it. 

I felt quite angry today.  Angry that no-one is doing anything about my mum's cancer; I know they can't, but this doesn't stop me from feeling angry.  This may sound really odd, but this sits uncomfortably with me in a moral sense: the idea that we just watch people die and don't do anything to make them better.  I guess the truth is that we just can't control everything, but this is a very scary thought too.  I was also thinking 'How on earth has this all happened?'  A few months ago, my mum was fine.  Now, she's terminally ill. 

I know they will look after her in the hospice, but I just wanted to share my thoughts really.

  • FormerMember

    your thoughts are totally  ' normal '. sorry to hear about your mum, i know how i would feel if it was mine. we cant control everything but we can help give some quality to a persons life  and unfortunately death. try to stay positive, i know its hard but it helps everyone in the end.

    best wishes


  • FormerMember

    Hi Yilmaz,

    I think anger is a perfectly normal emotion Yilmaz at times with this illness.  It is so hard when nothing more can be done and they are discharged from any treatment. I often wonder what is happening with mum now, but no more scans, etc, so we have no idea really, we just have to watch for symptoms etc.  

    I am hoping your mum is home very soon and the Hospice can get your mum's strength up.  My heart goes out to you.  Keep strong mate, we are all here for you.

    Nic x

  • FormerMember

    I know exactly what you mean as I went through the same thing.

    Love and hugs Stacey xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Yilmaz,

    The Rest will do you both good, as you say she will be well looked after and you can have some time to yourself to ease the stress you must be under.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Thank you for the kind words everyone.  I too hope that my mum can return home soon. :)