Passing Away

1 minute read time.

My mum passed away this afternoon.  It was very peaceful in the end. She had wanted to be buried on the same day and wanted a simple ceremony. 

I reflect on the last few months and I struggle to believe any of it.  I can't imagine my life without my mum as a big part of it. 

While we were burying her this evening, I kept thinking about what the Macmillan nurse said to me a few weeks ago when she told me that there was nothing they could do and that my mum was going to die.  And I felt very angry.  I felt angry that they would let my mum suffer for months on end and then let her die.  I know that nothing is going to bring her back now, but I just felt that it was pathetic that nothing could be done in this day and age.  If I have a medical problem, I expect it to be sorted out.  I don't expect to be told 'nothing can be done'.  This doesn't seem good enough to me at all. 

I know that I'm emotional at the moment and that my thoughts are probably not logical.  I hope that time will help our family come to terms with what has happened. 

Sorry for the rant, but I just wanted to share.
