2010 Calender

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Hi Everyone, My name is Patrick and I am a carer from for my wife Michelle, who has cervical cancer & Lymphoma. I've had an idea for raisng money in the form of a calender, which everyone on this site can join in on. I have emailed my intentions to my local ( Leicestershire ) Macmillan office and they have no problems with me doing it at all. I've also emailed admin and the press office of " What Now" and at this time I am waiting for permission from them. I already have a couple of people really interested in helping out, and any others are more tham welcome. When we get started, we'll need your ideas, stories & photo's. Please bookmark this blog and I'll update it when I know a little more. Patrick.
  • FormerMember

    Looking into setting up a poll now.

  • FormerMember

    Please make your choice to vote for your charity of choice:


    Poll will end on August 1st.

    Hope this is OK with everyone, just that we need to get a move on!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Patrick (and everyone)

    I've set up a group on here as I promised I would for the calendar.  The link is below


  • FormerMember

    Hi Manda. Went onto your Group for the Calendar but could not find the link to make a comment? - may well have had a total blonde moment of course, or there may be an issue there?! I think this is a fantastic idea. I have worked in PR over the years and this is without doubt an enormous story, PR could well help with getting suppliers, printers etc. on board. Will do what I can to help, hectic at work most of the time, but you know what they say? If you want something done, ask a busy person. Macmillan's PR department will be a good source for this too, happy to co-ordinate along with others I guess, big job to do etc. Have been onto Patrick's Voting group, how inspiriational everyone is - amazing!! How exciting is this!!!

    Take care everyone. Lynne x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lynne - I've never used the groups before so it may well be me doing it wrong!!  The What Now admin suggested we move things forward via a group rather than blog.  I have put three postings on it so far (1) theme (2) participation (3) Name.  As far as i am aware, you just click on add a comment under which ever one you are trying to add a comment under.  I'll trying doing a test one on each.

    Your experience sounds vast - and certainly more than mine.  Please share with us!! :-)

    We are just good intentioned carers wanting to bring people together and do good at the same - we're not really quite sure how to go about, so please give us pointers (may be i should just speak for myself and not assume everyone is clueless like me - lol - sorry :-)).  If you join the group Lynne, it may be easier to keep in touch and let us "pick your brains" if that is OK
