2010 Calender

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Hi Everyone, My name is Patrick and I am a carer from for my wife Michelle, who has cervical cancer & Lymphoma. I've had an idea for raisng money in the form of a calender, which everyone on this site can join in on. I have emailed my intentions to my local ( Leicestershire ) Macmillan office and they have no problems with me doing it at all. I've also emailed admin and the press office of " What Now" and at this time I am waiting for permission from them. I already have a couple of people really interested in helping out, and any others are more tham welcome. When we get started, we'll need your ideas, stories & photo's. Please bookmark this blog and I'll update it when I know a little more. Patrick.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Loulou,

    You don't know how happy it made me today to read that another person has come on board.

    PR is such a big thing for us, we need EVRYONE to know what we are doing.

    And this is the first day my wife, Michelle started her radiotherapy so won't forget this day in a while.

    Please spread the word to everyone you know, and please use your skills to help.

    Any advise, tips or help would be greatly appreciated by us all.

    We all have different skills and pulling together will make us a force to be reckoned with!

    As I've always said, and maybe bored you all to death ( not a good choice of words I know ) but if WE can help just one person in our calender quest it will all of been worth it.

    Many Thanks Again.


  • FormerMember

    Please see e-mail below from site admin

    Hi Manda.

    The group looks fine to me. If people are having trouble joining, it might help to send them this link:


    There are some details about groups here:


    Hope that helps.



  • FormerMember

    Was it me, or was brain cancer/tumours not on the awareness monthly list - as a BT patient I find that a little dissapointing...I know we are sorely underfunded but its also the biggest killer in the UK within the "cancers" as reported on Sky News recently.

    Did some research of my own and apparently it falls in March (according to the Samantha Dickson Brain Tumour Trust) could it be included on the list please.

    Off to join the group and find the poll, if I am not too late - as usual!!!!!!!!

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Sorry Debs!!! Absolutely of course it can be included.  I just took the list from an internet page.  If there are any others missing - people please shout - we certainly don't want to exclude anyone