2010 Calender

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Hi Everyone, My name is Patrick and I am a carer from for my wife Michelle, who has cervical cancer & Lymphoma. I've had an idea for raisng money in the form of a calender, which everyone on this site can join in on. I have emailed my intentions to my local ( Leicestershire ) Macmillan office and they have no problems with me doing it at all. I've also emailed admin and the press office of " What Now" and at this time I am waiting for permission from them. I already have a couple of people really interested in helping out, and any others are more tham welcome. When we get started, we'll need your ideas, stories & photo's. Please bookmark this blog and I'll update it when I know a little more. Patrick.
  • FormerMember

    Every single person's input into our calender means so much to me.

    It's something we can all share, laugh about and know what maybe others don't understand.

    We are a unique group of people and I hope that our calender will show that.

    Doris has just sent me a link to her blog about our calender and hope you can all read it and comment:


    At the end of this I hope we can all stand back, look at what we've achieved between us and smile and say:

    "Yes that was us all pulling together and making a differnce"

    I am so so proud of you all.


  • FormerMember

    Just been having a look around and believe it or not this is the only charity calender I've found on Ebay:


    And as you'll see they also have a website, so I'm thinking that's what we need too.

    The more press and public awareness about our calender the better.

  • FormerMember

    OK guys - just another idea for calendar.  Perhaps as a structure we could use the "cancer awareness months"

    January: Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

    February: Screening and Early Detection Awareness Month

    March: Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

    April: Cancer Fatigue Awareness Month

    May: Cancer Research Awareness Month

    June: National Cancer Survivors Day

    July: Sarcoma Awareness Month

    August: Pain Medicine and Palliative Care

    September: Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month

    Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

    Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Month

    October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    November: Lung Cancer Awareness Month

    I think I have got them correct(?)  

    December: 5 A Day Awareness Month

  • FormerMember

    Just putting my practical head on for a second - don't have the answers I'm afraid (but between us i am sure we will have).  

    1.  What timescales do we need to adhere to?  What is the latest date we need to have the calendar ready in time for sales for Christmas?

    2.  How are we going to decide the exact content?  poll? and by when?

    3.  Between us, what skills do we have?  website designers; sales people; graphic designers; photographers, project managers etc etc

    4.  What do we need to DO next?

    I think we all agree this is a fab idea (look at the number of comments on the blog!).  I guess we need to start "walking the walk"

    Manda x

  • FormerMember

    Oooo just a thought - wondered if anyone knew any famous people?  12 to be precise.  A celebrity and a "what now" person for each month?

    I'll stop taking over the blog now and save all my ideas up for one posting
