2010 Calender

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Hi Everyone, My name is Patrick and I am a carer from for my wife Michelle, who has cervical cancer & Lymphoma. I've had an idea for raisng money in the form of a calender, which everyone on this site can join in on. I have emailed my intentions to my local ( Leicestershire ) Macmillan office and they have no problems with me doing it at all. I've also emailed admin and the press office of " What Now" and at this time I am waiting for permission from them. I already have a couple of people really interested in helping out, and any others are more tham welcome. When we get started, we'll need your ideas, stories & photo's. Please bookmark this blog and I'll update it when I know a little more. Patrick.
  • FormerMember

    to develop a calender. I have no preference to which of the cancer charities is supported as I think they all do a fantastic job. As to its content, I would like to see something that could remove some of the fear from cancer and its treatments. We need to spread the message that cancer is not necessarily a death sentence and whilst cures may be a while off, life can carry on with  cancers well under control.I'm not entirely sure how that would translate into calender format. Well those are my initial thoughts anyway. Hope they fall in with your ideas. Will help in any way please feel free to contact me.


  • FormerMember

    I think this project has got everyone thinking and thats such a positive thing, just in the act of participation....so thank you Patrick for allowing us all to scratch our barnets (some of us carefully as we are minus some hair lol) and get focused for a bit.

    Debs x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Debs,

    If it helps anyone out to forget their worries for 5 mins then it's got to be a good thing!

    We just need that extra special idea that will set us apart from the rest..............................

  • FormerMember

    I personally have no experience with Macmillan barr this site, and am thinking that there will be other people the same.  My personal opinion, is we take maybe a few extra charities and expand the potential customer base.  Every1 know the good work Cancer Research does, would also be nice to have a charity that covers young people cancers. I do think the bigger charities would be good to support, and we just split the profits between them all.  Thats my pennies worth.

    Also if we do seek sponsorship we will probably need to leave room for their logo?!

    We could approach the likes of Lance Amstrong and get a good photo of him winning the Tour De France, and then use lots of every day people too acheiving their dreams?

  • FormerMember

    I have just realised what I wrote in my last post.  I said Macmillan should be the benefactors!  What I meant to say is that they should be beneficiaries.  No difference really lol.  If you could see my face you would see how red it is.  Still, I'm sure you all knew what I meant and were all too polite to point out my mistake lol.  Love, Christine xx