2010 Calender

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Hi Everyone, My name is Patrick and I am a carer from for my wife Michelle, who has cervical cancer & Lymphoma. I've had an idea for raisng money in the form of a calender, which everyone on this site can join in on. I have emailed my intentions to my local ( Leicestershire ) Macmillan office and they have no problems with me doing it at all. I've also emailed admin and the press office of " What Now" and at this time I am waiting for permission from them. I already have a couple of people really interested in helping out, and any others are more tham welcome. When we get started, we'll need your ideas, stories & photo's. Please bookmark this blog and I'll update it when I know a little more. Patrick.
  • FormerMember

    There are so many titles and I hope others think we are heading in the right direction.

    Everyone will have their own opinion but lets hope we can all find a shared one.

    Been thinking about this one this morning in the shower!

    " Cancer made me cry, but it won't have the last laugh "

  • FormerMember

    Gosh some of you are far better than me at thinking up ideas. I like both Tgirl and Patrick's suggestions for a title. I definitely think we need to show the positive side of  dealing with this disease. I had to ask all my colleagues at work ( I work in the hospital where I am being treated) to ask me how I am feeling in a bright and breezy way rather than in a sombre way as though I was someone who has one foot in the grave! I've always been a person who likes a laugh and always (I hope) come over as a happy, positive person. It makes such a difference when people treat you as they always have in the past. As Patrick has said, cancer did make me shed a few tears when I first had my diagnosis, and the future was uncertain, but by God, I'm determined to have the last laugh.

    Keep up the good ideas, you clever clever people!!



  • FormerMember

    I've just been reading an article on how to set up a charity calender.

    This is their advise on the 1st steps:

    "Creating A Charity Calendar - The First Step

    If you are creating a charity calendar to benefit a registered charity, you will need to notify them of your plans from the beginning. They will need to grant you permission to use their name and logos on your calendar, and you should also include their registered charity number and contact information."

    I'm just thinking that,  would it be more confusing if we were to send our money to more than one charity?

    And if we did use more than one, we would have different logo's etc on our calender.

    But that's just my initial thought, and I hope you all will have your say.

    Off for more research..................

  • FormerMember

    How would it be decide if more than one charity.  Everyone will have their own local hospice, different cancer area i.e breast cancer, prostrate cancer etc. that they would like to benefit.   I think as this is being done through a Macmillan site than it has to be for Macmillan.  

  • FormerMember

    So what does evryone else think?

    As Sherbert said Macmillan helps everyone, regardless of what cancer everyone has.

    It's a cancer helper all under one roof and I personally think they all do a fantastic job, free prescriptions was their work and among other things, trying for free/reduced parking at hospitals.

    Macmillan? If so I can contact them and have a chat.