I'll have another appointment please. Or a 'complement'

1 minute read time.

So today I had another appointment. Well, why not, not like I have anything better to do :))       It was a meeting with the cancer psychologist. The nurses book you in as routine and then they see you regularly if you're not coping well etc... we had a good natter and she said that often she is contacted by patients after the treatments finish as when there's nothing else happening some people feel lost... we agreed that I was doing ok for now but I can call her any time to meet up if me or my kids are upset etc. Fab :) Nice to know how much support is out there.

My GP appointment is tomorrow. PET scan Tuesday followed by calling into my local (hospital not pub these days) for my bloods ready for my chemo appointment ... where do you fit in just being then? ;)

AND, I called a local hospice and support centre to enquire about their complementary therapies for cancer patients and a nice lady called back and is coming to see me next Thursday to fill in forms and take notes etc and then book me in for whatever therapies are most appropriate ... yay for being spoiled! :D

I am hoping that when I get PET results they say in a jolly voice "oh there we are, only 2 more chemos for you!" yet am aware it may need to be more so gang, more keeping fingers crossed please! ;)


  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    Who will be a busy girl next week.? Hope all your scans and tests come back clear.  Look after yourself. All the best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember
    Hey great to hear your getting spoilt- quite right too, I went along to a make-up afternoon and was amazed at the brilliant goodie bag full of expensive skin care & make-up but I have to admit it was a bit daunting being the only one under 60years old there. - I met some lovely ladies there. How are you feeling about chemo? Do you have someone to help with your girls? I found it hard to do the normal everyday stuff for about a week after chemo but I'd feel normal ish the rest of the time. I'm keeping everything crossed for you!!! Big hugs Kerry x
  • FormerMember

    Hi Ive managed to find you lol.x

    Very busy girl arent you next week, hope all goes well......... As I'm typing this the screen is moving up and down.....feeling a bit sick now, its like uncontrolable eye rolling...reminds me of when I used to play bingo and my first time doing 6 books :)

    Good luck with next week ((((((((((((((XXXXXXXXXXX))))))))))))))))


  • FormerMember

    Hello everyone!

    Yes let's keep everything crossed for results ;) How are you doing Sarsfield?

    Hi Kerry, how are you? I have my mother helping with laundry and some cooking, my older girls are 16 and 13 so they are good at helping too, and friends doing school runs for my youngest, so I managing to rest. I feel wiped out for 48 hours, then just plain knackered for another 48 hours lol! Chemo - the chemo ...? Well, I just see it as a necessary thing which is helping me get better, and I'm doing ok, if it's 2 more or 20 more sessions, as long as I am well and alive and here for my kids, i don't mind ;)

    Oh Shaz!! There you are!! LOL! Bloody silly new site , grumble grumble........... screen-sickness?? Bizarre! Yep I'm a busy bee, just waiting to go see GP today before going into work. How are you??

    \Thank you for all the luck and hugs, I'm very lucky :))


    (((((((((HUGS))))))))) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    Firstly congratulations on getting the new site to work. Most of us are floundering!:-)

    Good luck with the chemo, it willcertainly be worth enduring for the children. I hope your scans do say only two more sessions, that would be great news!

    Even if it's more here's another person with fingers, toes and everything else crossed for you.

    Good luck and hugs and may it not be too long when the local takes on its true meaning and you can raise a glass to success.

