Hair today, gone tomorrow?

Less than one minute read time.

Well having checked my hair from all angles by using 2 mirrors, I can see that it is so patchy it's going to have to go!

I am wearing a ''buff'' that Pedro donated at the mo, and going out for lunch with mum and Bry in a bit so may try my jersey hat too ... and then borrow some clippers and have to go for it ... oh blimey, kinda looking forward to just getting rid of it and kinda wondering how weird it will be!!

Thankfully temperature is behaving, and had a lovely surprise this morning when Kerry was free and popped over with a bun for a catch-up :)

See what the lady from Usk House has to say later re: which therapies I can have! :)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    ... or should I say gorgeous!

    What a lovely picture, overweight with two chins under a wooly hat thingy!

    Without a picture what we see here is the inner you and that is a thing of beauty.

    When I told my oncologist yesterday that I was TRYING to lose weight he said "That's unusual, most cancer patients are trying to put it on!". Haven't quite got the two chins yet, but I'm getting there.

    Have fun with the head gear and don't worry about appearance, because you can always come back here and be our "Cariad".

    Good luck with the treatment!


  • FormerMember

    Oh Colin you are lovely *grins*

    You're right of course, we are all gorgeous despite any neuroses about our bodies lol!

    I think my curves are quite nice really, just need to firm up the tummy a bit but there's no mad rush just yet! ;) I used to borrow my daughters' Wii Fit and that was working quite well, but to be honest, I'm too tired to do much exercise at the mo :) My Doc said the same, that I'm looking ''blooming'' - well Colin, we can be the Welsh Volumptuous Gang then! :D

    Thank you sweetie, you made me grin a lot! Keep us posted on YOU too.

    Ems xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    Yes, after the hormone therapy I've got the boobs and the belly! They've stopped the hormone treatment, but I've just learnt it can take six months for the effects to wear off.

    Damn! and I've just told my friends to stop the raids on clothes lines since I won't need the Bras! They weren't too successful though getting a 48 chest with a triple A cup! (Two cups that is, I'm not lopsided)

    I was unusual in that with my treatment, my hair started to grow back. I was worried about that, would my friends recognise me? I hoped not, because they would have teased me rotten! Bad enough being teased when I lost it, could be even worse if it grows back. Fortunately NHS cuts saved me and they stopped the treatment.

    Onco says he's certain of a cure, but I have to wait until Christmas before I'll know. Hope it's good news and I can say with certainty, I had cancer!

    Good luck with the treatment Cariad, I hope it's as successful as mine(and of course that mine is as successful as yours) .... if that makes sense!
