Hair today, gone tomorrow?

Less than one minute read time.

Well having checked my hair from all angles by using 2 mirrors, I can see that it is so patchy it's going to have to go!

I am wearing a ''buff'' that Pedro donated at the mo, and going out for lunch with mum and Bry in a bit so may try my jersey hat too ... and then borrow some clippers and have to go for it ... oh blimey, kinda looking forward to just getting rid of it and kinda wondering how weird it will be!!

Thankfully temperature is behaving, and had a lovely surprise this morning when Kerry was free and popped over with a bun for a catch-up :)

See what the lady from Usk House has to say later re: which therapies I can have! :)

  • FormerMember

    Hey Cariad

    Colin has the right idea. I was bold and brazened it out (twice) and if anybody remarked on it I explained why. I was not upset by hair loss (although bemused as it went from everywhere) as I knew it was temporary, unlike my hearing loss, which is getting worse, and had a devastating effect on me. My hair grew back curly, with less grey, and thicker than it had been for over 20 years. in fact people seeing me would just say "Your hair!". Well its got to be better than (head on one side) How ARE you?

    On cold days I'd use a pashmina draped over my head and round shoulders, but found that otherwise I could not get a good look, and used to throw things off because I got too hot anyway.

    Glad the temperatures down, but don't leave things too long if it goes up, and at least get in touch with the hospital. I got slapped wrist on one occasion from the nurse as hubby dobbed me in when she told me I had a temperature and I'd had it for over 24 hours, especially as you have a Hickman Line as if you get an infection it can be pretty nasty!

    Get your feet up

    Love and hugs

    Louise xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems!!!!!! I got internet ha ha....

    Bold and proud I say- you are gorgeous whatever and being a filthy crusty hippy type you will have lots of scarf type things if your head gets cold and Oh get one of those fluffy hats with ear flaps they are fun...

    My mate and I were plotting a different mad wig for each day of the week when i heard I was having chemo.. blonde beehive for Mondays, black bob for Tuesdays electric blue wed etc... plus I have always wondered what i would look like with no hair and even I am not that bonkers to try it just for fun so thought it would be interesting and as sunny says you get to play  your cancer cards... so I was almost disappointed when it just 'thinned' in the end and didn't all come out.  I ended up with longer than normal (ha ha) cos I couldn't sit down to get it cut... But that's me and i know I am not normal in my reactions to things. But, a shaved head feels so lovely to rub - it does!! (I shaved my head for years when young and silly- just old and silly now)

    Hope you are not too sad about it and have some fun and we love you whether you have hair or not!

    Big higs and bug hugs to you and lots of love too and so nice to be able to say hi again though you are still blogging too late a night for a sleepy Little My

    Little My xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Ha LM, you saying about a shaved head being lovely to rub brought back memories. My youngest was still at home and when he was using the computer used to lean over and rub my head....reckon that's why my hair has grown back so thick :-)

    Louise xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello you gorgeous and lovely lot! Well, I wore a jersey hat/wrap thingy yesterday which mostly says 'Cancer' and of course the sun was blazing so I was boiling! But musn't complain about the glorious belated summer! I haven't made up my mind yet but don't feel very emotional about it just indecisive... thinning cancer look, or bald cancer look? Being overweight with 2 chins won't help the attractiveness angle LOL! ;) - when I was weighed on Wednesday I have out weight on, so not being the ''typical'' cancer patient in the eyes of the public anyway heehee! And just to let you know, whether you wanted to or not, I haven't lost it from anywahere else!

    Thank you ALL for being so fab. OOh I could squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze you all tight with big hugs!


  • FormerMember

    Hello you gorgeous and lovely lot! Well, I wore a jersey hat/wrap thingy yesterday which mostly says 'Cancer' and of course the sun was blazing so I was boiling! But musn't complain about the glorious belated summer! I haven't made up my mind yet but don't feel very emotional about it just indecisive... thinning cancer look, or bald cancer look? Being overweight with 2 chins won't help the attractiveness angle LOL! ;) - when I was weighed on Wednesday I have out weight on, so not being the ''typical'' cancer patient in the eyes of the public anyway heehee! And just to let you know, whether you wanted to or not, I haven't lost it from anywahere else!

    Thank you ALL for being so fab. OOh I could squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze you all tight with big hugs!
