Wonderful Macmillan

1 minute read time.

Here goes ........

18 years ago my Dad was looked after by Macmillan nurses. (He was dying at home from bowel cancer, primary in the liver.) The nurses helped my Mum and helped me, too. How can I forget what I owe them, for making me Dad's departure from this world 'easier' for him, for being there for him and for my Mum and for me. 

I would like to say my man received the same sort of wonderful care when he was dying. Yes, he did speak occasionally to a nurse at the hospice, but his situation was different. He was very much sicker than many knew.

But I, on the other hand, have found the Macmillan Online Community a lifeline over the past year. Since my man's diagnosis in November last year, I have used the Community to find answers, to reach out, to discover others who had the same cancer as my late husband (because the hospital was not very helpful or forthcoming). Since my darling husband's death, this Online Community has given me a lifeline to express my grief, to share with others and to find friends who knew exactly where I was without my explaining (something it's hard to find in the outside world.)

So, Macmillan, at the time of year when you are having your Biggest Coffee Mornings all over the UK, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Life and Death are better for your existence. Thank you.

Little Jen XXX

  • FormerMember

    Oops - I need to make clear that my man had the most wonderful care from the hospice nurses in the last three and a half weeks of his life. 

    What I meant was that I wish he could have had more specialist advice after his diagnosis and during his treatment in the same way that my Dad had all those years ago. It didn't happen, that's all.

    But I have had so much help from this wonderful site. Thanks Macmillan.

    Little Jen X

  • FormerMember

    Here, here ...

    So beautifully put.

    My mum had a mac nurse who actually called Margaret Macmillan. I thought it was her official title, being a kid! She was fantastic for a single parent to express her fears about dying and keeping positive for us.

    I was never offered a mac nurse, but that's fine as I don't think I needed/need one. But the online community, well, I guess you know about me and it. as you said, life and death are better for it.

    So, thank you Macmillan and thank you Jen and thank you all my Macfamily for making it what it is...

    big hugs to you fellow Little Person

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Little Jen with the big heart,

    I agree wholeheartedly about macmillan and especially this site.

    I also didn't have a Macmillan nurse although in contacting my nurse practitioner I often spoke to the Macmillan nurse who shared the same office and was always offering friendly help when I phoned up and my Nurse was out.

    As for this site, I have met many real friends on here who have supported me when I'm going through a low patch and given me sound advice.

    Thank you Little Jen for reminding us what we owe to Macmillan, and a very big thankyou to the Macmillan Team.

    Big hugs to two very big little people,

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    More hugs - for THREE very big people! You have all helped me in ways you'll never know, and if it hadn't been for Macmillan's online community I suspect I would be in a very different place now. No, not there! but you know what I mean, I'm sure.

    Little Jen, our very own armoured tank, it's a pleasure to know you and whatever your state of mind I love to see you here. Good friends are hard to come by, and although we may never meet in person, I'm so glad I met you here.

    With love and hugs,

    Twirly xxx 

  • FormerMember

    Oh help  you lot. The screen's all misty -gulp, sniff.

    Glad you have also found Macmillan helped you (as if I didn't know that anyway.)

    Um, not sure about the armoured tank, Twirly. Nobody's ever called me that before!!!!!! Heehee - you made me laugh.

    Good old Macmillan then, it's agreed.

    Little Jen XX