Wonderful Macmillan

1 minute read time.

Here goes ........

18 years ago my Dad was looked after by Macmillan nurses. (He was dying at home from bowel cancer, primary in the liver.) The nurses helped my Mum and helped me, too. How can I forget what I owe them, for making me Dad's departure from this world 'easier' for him, for being there for him and for my Mum and for me. 

I would like to say my man received the same sort of wonderful care when he was dying. Yes, he did speak occasionally to a nurse at the hospice, but his situation was different. He was very much sicker than many knew.

But I, on the other hand, have found the Macmillan Online Community a lifeline over the past year. Since my man's diagnosis in November last year, I have used the Community to find answers, to reach out, to discover others who had the same cancer as my late husband (because the hospital was not very helpful or forthcoming). Since my darling husband's death, this Online Community has given me a lifeline to express my grief, to share with others and to find friends who knew exactly where I was without my explaining (something it's hard to find in the outside world.)

So, Macmillan, at the time of year when you are having your Biggest Coffee Mornings all over the UK, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Life and Death are better for your existence. Thank you.

Little Jen XXX

  • Hi I can only echo what everyone else has said.I didn't have a Macmillan nurse but my dear friend did and she was so helpful and kind.I too would have been lost if I hadnt found this site and the wonderful people who befriended me,supported me and made me laugh when I didn't think I could even raise a smile.I too love to see you here Jen but am sorry you had to be sorry that any of us has to be but I like many others is so thankful to have found this community so I thank Macmillan,I thank my friends and you Jen are one of those special people love and hugs to all Cruton xxx
  • FormerMember

    Hurray for Macmillan!
    My J had a wonderful Mac nurse in 2009 when we REALLY needed her. She even sent us flowers and champagne when we got married :) I certainly will never forget her kindness and calm and her just being there.

    My dad died in the Macmillan hospice in Perth. What a fabulous place it is (funny thing to say, maybe, but it was staffed by such lovely people).

    I wish I'd found this site years ago but am profoundly grateful for it now. Meeting so many friends has made a massive difference to my self-esteem and I hope has made me a better person.

    Huge hugs to all my new family. I carry you all about with me everywhere. You're quite heavy and my arms are very short but I don't mind.

    x x x

  • FormerMember

    To Jen and to everyone who's commented here,

    I'd like to say a huge thank you for starting and contributing to this thread, I've been really moved by your words. There's nothing more motivating or more inspiring for us here, than to hear that Macmillan has made a meaningful difference to your lives. It's why we're here. 

    It's also worth mentioning that any community, online or offline, is only as effective and supportive as the people who are part of it. So I'd like to thank you for that too. Without you- sharing your stories, welcoming others, asking questions and offering support, this Community would be a very different place. 
