PCV Chemo

Less than one minute read time.

I have just finished my first round of PCV Chemo.  Now on a 32 dayr est period before the next round.

I have found that I have had no effects from taking the tablets, even the tiredness was less..

PCV is taken from the names of the drugs used.  V is Vinscrine, which is given as a one off fluid infusion at the hospital.  After this you take three lomustine cpsules as a single dose. These are also known as CCNU, hence the C. These are followed by Procarbzine capsules (The P).  I was given 30 of these capsules to be taken 3 each evening for 10 days at home.  I was advised to take antisickness tablets daily, which I did, which my have been why I had no ill effects.

Two more rounds of this and then a MRI scan.  Hopefully we will see some effects this time.

  • FormerMember

    Following my three rounds of pcv chemo I had a MRI scan on 6th July (my 69th birthday) We went back to see the consulltant yesterday. We had always been warned that my GMB4 was agressive. The two types of chemo have had little effects.  The two tumours are still growing.  They can try a third Chemo, but it can have unpleasant reactions. Its either that or let nature take its course,meaning a few months. We have to decide before the next clinic on Thursday.  Back to reading the information notes.  This is not unexpected as I have been getting very unsteady on my feet with a couple of falls. Grazes only so far..The  head pains are being controlled by tablets

    We alll know that GMB is horrible. Its when it reaches his stage you realise how bad it can be.  I will let you know our decision.

    David E