Ongoing Treatment

1 minute read time.

68 year old maleGBM4, right temporal lesion.

I am just coming to the end of the first of the follow on chemo treatments, ie 5 days tablets, 25 days off. I collect the next round of tablets on Thursday and also having the first MRI scan to see how things are going on inside my head.

The one affect of the chemo and radiology that had not been mentioned anywhere was the generation of gas in my stomach. This cause extensive belching and passing wind. At times my stomach becomes very bloated and very uncomfortable. I tried all the recommended ways of trying to alleviate this, peppermint teas and cordials, gavascon, both liquid and tablets, ginger biscuits but with limited degree of success. Having started my treatment on 22nd October and now on the 23 day rest period after starting the six month regime,( 5 days chemo, 23 days off) ( following from 30 days radio and Chemo)so not taking Chemo at present, it still occurs daily. The only other medicine I am taking is Phenotoyin of an evening. One thing my wife has noticed is that as I start to awake of a morning, I start having small belches. This goes off after about 10 minutes, although the belching continues on and off during the day, to different extents. Sometimes after meals, but not necessarily related to a meal.
To relieve the wind I have found that stretching my arms above my head (holding on to door frames helps too)can make the belching occur and relieve the pressure in my stomach.

I would like to hear if any others suffer this?

  • FormerMember

    Hi, Im perscribed Lansoprazole for belching, but you need to take it everyday (breast cancer patient) no harm in asking your doctor, hope this helps.

  • FormerMember


    Thanks. I will speak to the Doctors when I see them on Thursday at St Thomas'.



  • FormerMember

    Visited St Tommy's yesterday for blood test, chat with Doctor and to collect 2nd round of Chemo tablets. We discussed belching and he said to see how I reacted to the increased dose.

    While I was receiving radio, I was taking 130mg. When the radio finished   I took 5 days of 260mg.  For the second 5 days it has been upped to 350mg.  Lets hope it is working! It is being hit hard enough.


  • FormerMember

    Collected third round of chemo on Thursday ( 2nd of the five day chemo, then 23 days off)- staying at same amount as previously (360mg) .  I will be booked in for  a scan when this lot is finished - hooray, we will be able to see what is happening at last.  No other reactions, except stomach gassing still.

  • FormerMember

    The result of the MRI scan was not as positive as we hoped. The tumour was still there and it looked as if there was another close behind..They decided to change me on to a PVC regieme. This comprises an infusion, and then CHEMO tablets.some at the hospital and then for a further 10 days at home. Then 23 days rest and back for another six rounds.  After 3 or 5 rounds they may give a MRI scan again and see if anything has happened.

    Whilst following these cycles I have found that if I get tired, such as out and walking that my legs / knees will give way. Several times I have fallen, but most times my wife notices and supports me to a seat or to the floor if we are at home. Only one or two could be described as a fit.  Recovery is very quick and I can continue walking / my journey.   There are no other symptoms. I mentioned this to the hospital and they will probably give an MRI scan in a week or so.

    I just wish i knew what was going on and could control it.  I know the wiring of my brain is playing up - I want to get it corrected!