Sunday morning scared of the week coming :(

1 minute read time.
Morning, I would add good infront of that but I am not feeling very good about things. My anxiety had me awake early this morning, for a second I wake up and think everything's ok. Then I remember about my daddy and the sick feeling kicks in. Sometimes followed by a rush to the toilet. Some mornings I feel positive but today is not one of them, thinking about how most stories I have read on lung cancer do not have a happy ending. My dad still doesnt seem himself which makes me feel that when we hear news this week it will not be good. He is still eating and messing around but seems fragile and tired I HATE THIS. Next week is going to be a scary one I think we will hear news and we are all going to feel on edge and I am sure my heart will keep stopping everytime the phone rings or the doorbell goes. My dad is trying to be positive and still playing the joker but I am fearing how he will be after the news, we are still hoping by some miracle that it turns out not to be cancer but we are kidding ourselves.
  • Morning Knicnic when facing the unknown our imagination goes into overdrive and it is always the worst case senario we will read many stories that have unhappy endings but there are also those that despite the odds stacked against them have happy outcomes.The cancer journey and I do so hate that term is stacked as I am sure all will tell you with highs,lows and at times being stuck in limbo which is the waiting game that seems to come with the territory.I hope when you have more clarity then you will know what you are all facing and what can be done for your Dad and I do hope for a positive outcome for you all.sending you warm hugs Scraton xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Knicnic,

    I'm sorry you are stuck in that waiting game that comes with cancer. We've all been there and you are not alone in thinking the worst. Whatever the outcome, I am you will feel some relief in that you will know what you are dealing with and amazingly will find the strength to deal with it.

    I also hope for a positive outcome and am sending you warm hugs to carry you through,

    Colin xxx

  • Thank you for your kind words and thoughts. I am amazed at people's bravery and courage on here everyone is inspirational. I don't understand why bad things happen to good people. I will keep you posted on news until then hope is getting me through xxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi there, just to reiterate what my wise friends said... the waiting game is the hardest bit. You worry and think up every possible scenario... but it doesn't change anything whether you worry or not and whatever the news you do deal with it and  you can still be positive and still laugh even with bad news.

    I thought being diagnosed with cancer would be the worst thing ever out of all the options, but actually it has been a positive experience in so many ways (I know that might sound weird to you, but it can be) 

     I looked very frail for a while but getting back to my robust self again now, so try not to worry too much. That diagnosis if it happens it not necessarily the end of the world. It is a long journey but doesn't have to be the end of your world... Of course you wouldn't wish it on anyone and I will be hoping that it is the best of news of course.

     I guess its not the journey and how long it is etc but how you walk it that is the important thing. You dad sounds like he will walk it with well whatever the results and he has your support too so he's a lucky man!

    Of course we all wish for the best news possible and let us know...  either way we will be here for you.

    Big hug to you

    Little My

  • Thank you for your lovely message. I hope you are doing well yourself now you sound to be in a good place. I will keep you posted xxx