Just feeling :( today

1 minute read time.
Well my dads lung cancer is nsclc, and it's provisional stage is 3b which is bad enough but after Tuesday it could be worse. My dad has a pet scan Tuesday to see if it's spread anywhere and I am so scared. His blood tests were normal but my dad get a lot of headaches and I haven't thought much of it before but now I am worried it has spread to the brain. Even worse the other day when I was with him he went rigid and said he had a weird feeling in his spine...... Could this be the cancer to. We know the cancer is in 2 lymph nodes so it is on the move and also the tumour is huge. This morning I was reading through old text messages from my daddy only from last year and it's made me so sad. I miss my daddy..... The strong, healthy man. This cancer is making him tired and ill and I HATE IT. Only last September on our cruise he really was a picture of health and now this bastard is hurting him. Today I feel :( today I feel angry I just want to wake up from this nightmare
  • Thank you all for your lovely messages. It does help to come on here and talk to people who are understanding what I am going through. I am so sorry to hear of your loss Lisa sending you hugs at this sad time. Little my I completely understood what you wrote :-) I am trying to busy myself today, currently trying to potty train our new puppy lol Xxx
  • Hi Nic I am so sorry to hear about your dad and as others have said the waiting is so tough.I hope there maybe some good news for you both from the scan wishing you both all good things sending you more hugs Scraton xx
  • FormerMember

    Sending you lots of hugs Knicnic, and I loved and still love my Daddy too.

    Ruby xxxx

  • FormerMember

    hi nic

    we all have down days where we struggle to accept whats happening around us but we have to stay as strong as we can and look for the posatives...............when my mum passed away in november it broke my heart i was in a dark place and feeling so lost and to be honest robbed as she was only 55 years old and i just wanted her back......wheres the posative in that????the posative is that i was lucky enough to have mum in my life at all she loved us so very much and would have done anything for us.....some people are never lucky enough to experience that pure unselfish love our mum gave us in there life so i feel blessed that we had her.

    things all get on top of you at times nic i know that feeling all too well,but behind every tear there is a smile if you look hard enough for it.big hugs to you and remember we are all here if you need us,i hope the scan results are all goodxxxxxxxjust stay focused on the main thing.....your dad.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Nic

    I know exactly what you mean about this nasty invader taking away the fit and healthy man you knew.  It's not only the physical health - it's the mental health that is destroyed too and sometimes I think that is harder to bear.

    All I can think of saying is treasure each moment you have and I will keep everything crossed and hope the scan results are good.

    Much love,

    Nin xxxx