Is it ok to joke

1 minute read time.

Hi all . I often joke about my cancer and my mortality find it funny have a good laugh then find I've I've offended a perfectly healthy person. I think that is funny in itself . I've always been that way though and I can't change now I've got terminal lung cancer with various mets around my body. I just can't bite my tongue sometimes especially at work when people have had time off for headaches a cold where they force a sneeze about once at work or they loudly blow their nose to show just how ill they really were. Oh dear a paper cut ohh you should go to A & E . Tut tut how painful. I overhear conversations about how they have suffered and often think I wish I had your life it is so simple, they often forget you are Sick all the time and always in pain . and they make every painful noise they can think of whenever they get up from their desk etc. then if you make a joke about yourself they give you dirty looks of horror. I've always had a positive attitude to my cancer , but I was a bit of a pessimist before I was diagnosed my personality changed that day. Now I just find humour everywhere ,except my blip with the steroids . But now it's all coming back its good to laugh again. Does anyone else joke about it or do you bite your tongues in fear of offending someone.

  • FormerMember

    We have to joke and if people get offended poor them. Laughter is a tranquilizer wihout side effects.          Keep smiling     Fran

  • FormerMember
    Hi Fran I do. When I was diagnosed and was told it was terminal I was in work . I work in a register office births marriages and deaths . So I thought I'd better see the management team. I only asked when I pop my clogs could my wife get a car parking space in the staff car park and could she queue jump a bit , I have been there for 10 years after all . The look I got you would have thought I had killed someone ha ha . You are absolutely right laughter is the best medicine , it is a tranquilliser , if you can't joke who can? I joke about it with my oncologist he seems to enjoy it when I turn up smiling and joking it probably breaks his day up a bit. I seem to be in there ages with him talking about other things rather than cancer . we chat about his holidays my holidays all sorts of things while he writes out my chemo prescriptions etc i make to go so he can see other people and he starts yakking about something else . why make the visit miserable and a downer .After all I know what my future is going to be why not enjoy what you have now .
  • FormerMember

    Hi yes me too. Don't really care if anyone offended but I don't think I have offended anyone yet! Know what you mean too about the trivial ailments. Had someone at work today telling me they never slept well last night. Awe didums. You are right no point in being miserable.  


  • FormerMember

    I've never laughed so much as when I got cancer.... I have anal cancer so lets face it the only way to talk about that one is bum jokes.

    the joking and laughing got me through it and some of my friends on here. Interesting isn't it that it is the healthy people who seem to not be able to cope with it. I wrote a silly blog called bummer and we had a thread on here called for those with a warped sense of humour for those of us who wanted to laugh about our situation... its still there somewhere if you ever want to revive it. Most of us have either died or moved on now so its dormant somewhere in macland...

    Having cancer is crap enough without being miserable too I say, so joke and laugh away.

    LM xxx

  • FormerMember

    Off course it's good to laugh and joke.....after all is laughter not the best medicine?

    I have joked about my breast cancer and I have had family members joking about it too.  Even the serious things in life are always laughed at in my family, so my breast cancer was not going to be excused!  Many a time my ribs have been sore laughing, but I've felt so great afterwards.

    Keep laughing and joking and if others can't deal with this, let them be miserable as it's there problem.