Bo**ocks - you want an unprintable title - Go On Temp Me !!! please Temp me !!!

1 minute read time.

This is just the lead in - honest, lost alone and hurting you want a blog - hell watch  tomorrow, there are 14 Community Champions - you understand that, we have no authority, we have no power, but the title says we champion the site - so why are we not up in arms over the crap we have accepeted so far - just a taster and understand if others have a different view - but what the hell is gong on ?
Well love and hugs to all, thats it, nice bit over !! Was going to write 2 blogs, the polite version and this, so looks like you picked this one, to select the other press capital  S for select, Select M for modify, go to home page, select B for blogs, select M  for modified select r for remove crude comments, select P, for want to post now holding cap lock ok Press  F for Fu**ing lost confused and what a load of Toss  - Ok Bollocks - conned you just the one version, just want to say - if I offend or post someting that a  bit contoroversial - so Fu**ing what !!  If Mac can do it then its got to be ok right ??

Watch this post Please xx Love you xx

Take care 

John xx

  • FormerMember

    John, I'm're a little bit cross. To be honest, since all this guff started I've stopped visiting the site every day as I used to. BEfore I could take half an hour while having breakfast at my desk to catch up with friends and stay invovled with people but the new site doesn't feel like a family any more, it makes me feel like an outsider fiddling with a website rather than a member of group of people trying to help each other so I just don't come on much any more. You've done your very best to get them to sort this out and if I could think of anything to say that would make them give us the old site back believe me I'd say it. Keep fighting, we need community champions who are committed to returning this site to a community, rather than just an inpersonal website.

    Love Vikki

  • FormerMember

    Hello yet again - a strange thing happened on the way to ............ ? Errrr, is it me going potty and imagining things, but for some odd reason or other the notification of this particular blog appears very briefly on the activity list ( or whatever it is now ) and then just disappears into Cyberspace ! Seems very funny how my previous two comments and the one from Georgia have vanished onto thin air .......... all traces have been eradicated, maybe they are trying to cover it up ? ! The plot thickens, but I am seriously wondering if the sun is getting to me ............. ? 

    Love, Joycee xx 

  • FormerMember

    seem to remember when i complained about the site changing from SHARE and WHAT NOW to the last version of this site you was one of those who said there was nothing wrong with the new site, and didnt like the way i complained.....

    seems now your the one not happy with the new version...

    Boot on other foot now john....

    because SHARE and WHAT NOW was indeed the BEST VERSION of the mac site EVER...

    so you dont like this brand new version ?

    just as hundreds hated the last version and ended up leaving and had no where else to turn..


  • FormerMember

    If Mac were hoping this site would be the dogs bollocks, they missed and got the dogs shite.

    I only have a laptop, no modern raspberry or eye phone, so I also only want to dip in once or twice for a bit. I simply can't read what all my friends have said sometimes as either I can't find it or I simply run out of time cos my wife thinks I have abandoned her.

    I take onboard the planned improvements (how long do we have to wait) but cannot understand how such fundemental processess duch as friends activity could not have been in the blue print for the new site.

    Plus nobody from on high has never come on here and apologised, they leave that to James and Laura. I hate to say it but perhaps the complaints need to go public to get that senior response.


  • FormerMember

    spot on tim,

    Admin are not the ones to complain to...its those up above who own the site that you need to contact about things...

    only dont hold your breathe because many many people objected to the last changes and nothing was done about it.......there was soooo many people got left behind , who couldnt use the last site, also an entire community called WHAT NOW was shut down leaving all those members with nothing.......

    if you think this change is bad you should have been around when they made the last one !

    good luck anyway....